We restore the ranks of the angels; Angels: Day 292

We restore the ranks of the angels; Angels: Day 292 May 11, 2017

angels_augustine_3The fall of the angels left a gap in the heavenly hierarchy, says St. Augustine, and the redemption of humanity will fill that gap.

The redemption of mankind rebuilds the ruins left by the fall of the angels. Of course, the holy angels, who learn from God (for they are blessed with eternal contemplation of God’s truth), know how many of the human race are required to fill up the full census of that commonwealth.

This is why the apostle says that all things are restored to unity in Christ, “things in Heaven and things on Earth” (Eph. 1:10). The part in Heaven, in fact, is restored when the number lost from the fall of the angels are replaced from the ranks of humanity. The part on Earth is restored when those human beings who are predestined to eternal life are redeemed from the old state of corruption.

Thus by the single sacrifice, of which the many victims of the law were only shadows, the heavenly part is set at peace with the earthly part, and the earthly reconciled to the heavenly. This is why the same apostle says: “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on Earth or in Heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross” (Col. 1:19-20). –St. Augustine, Enchiridion, chapter 16


What could I change about my life that would make it more of a preparation for taking my place among the angels in Heaven?


Lord, restore your kingdom, and make me worthy to take my place among the angels above.

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