The praise of the angels; Angels: Day 364

The praise of the angels; Angels: Day 364 July 22, 2017

angels_dionysiusIn this long hymn of praise from an ancient liturgy (attributed to Dionysius thAreopagite), we join our praise with the praises of all the beings in Heaven.

The voiceless, by their silence, the vocal, by their voices, words and hymns, perpetually bless you, because you are essentially good and beyond all praise, existing in your essence incomprehensibly. I, your visible and sensible crea- ture, praise you, and also the intellectual creature, placed above sensible percep- tion. Heaven and earth glorify you. Sea and air proclaim you. The sun, in his course, praises you; the moon, in her changes, venerates you.

Troops of Archangels, and hosts of Angels; the Powers, more sublime than the world and mental faculty, send benedictions to your abode. Rays of light, emi- nent and hidden, send their “Holy” to your glory. Principalities and Dominions praise you, with their “Make a joyful noise.” Powers and Dominions venerate you. Powers, Thrones and seats inaccessible exalt you. Splendors of light eternal, mirrors without flaw, holy essences, recipients of wisdom sublime, beyond all, in- vestigators of the will hidden from all, in clearest modulations of inimitable tones, and by voices becoming a rational creature; many eyed Cherubim of most subtle movement, bless you. Seraphim, furnished with six wings intertwined, cry “Holy” to you. Those very ones, who veil their faces with their wings, and cover their feet with wings, and flying on every side, and clapping with their wings (that they may not be devoured by your devouring fire), sing one to another with equal harmony of all, sweet chants, pure from everything material, rendering to you eternal glory; crying with one hymn, worthy of God, and saying, “Holy, holy, holy.” –Liturgy of St. Dionysius (the Areopagite), bishop of the Athenians


How much of my prayer is given to pure praise of the goodness of God? Do I praise without ceasing as the angels do in Heaven?


Lord, give me an angelic peace in my life, so that my heart may always  be set on the praise of your Holy Name.

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