Off the Shelf 030 with Carrie Gress

Off the Shelf 030 with Carrie Gress July 28, 2017

episode-030-carrie-gressCarrie Gress and is the author of The Marian Option: God’s Solution to a Civilization in Crisis from TAN Books. Carrie Gress has a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University of America and is a faculty member at Pontifex University.

Dr. Gress is a regular blogger at The National Catholic Register and has written for Aleteia, Catholic Vote, Catholic World Report, The Stream, and Zenit. She is a frequent guest on Ave Maria Radio, EWTN Radio, and Relevant Radio, and has appeared on BBC, CBC, and EWTN television.
She is the author of Nudging Conversions: A Practical Guide to Bringing Those You Love Back to the Church, Ultimate Makeover: The Transforming Power of Motherhood and co-author with George Weigel of City of Saints; A Pilgrim’s Guide to John Paul II’s Krakow.
We discuss the burning question that many have…..what is an option and do we need one anyway. Since the Benedict Option came about that seems to be the trendy new hip thing to do as a Catholic. What is the point of an option? What does it require? How does the Marian option differ from others? Learn this and more on this episode.

Listen to Off the Shelf 030 on Breadbox Media.

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