Humility Rules – Off the Shelf Episode 091

Humility Rules – Off the Shelf Episode 091 September 25, 2018

This week Father Augustine Wetta and I take a look at the often neglected virtue of humility. In his book Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem Father Wetta breaks down Saint Benedict’s method into twelve pithy steps for finding inner peace in a way that can be applied to anyone’s life. In today’s society humility is a rarity. Join us and learn how to make it a part of your virtue toolbox.This week Father Augustine Wetta and I take a look at the often neglected virtue of humility. In his book Humility Rules: Saint Benedict’s Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem Father Wetta breaks down Saint Benedict’s method into twelve pithy steps for finding inner peace in a way that can be applied to anyone’s life. In today’s society humility is a rarity. Join us and learn how to make it a part of your virtue toolbox.

Listen to Off the Shelf Episode 091 exclusively on Breadbox Media below.


Fr. Augustine Wetta, OSB is the author of the book Humility Rules. He is a Benedictine monk and a high school teacher/rugby coach. He has degrees from Oxford University, Rice University, and Middlebury College. He grew up on a tropical island, where he learned to surf and was nearly eaten by a shark. He has also worked as a professional juggler, beach patrol lifeguard and archaeologist. During his spare time, he raises carnivorous plants and carpenter ants.

Listen to my entire Off the Shelf show archive here.

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