Off the Shelf 047 with Marge Fenelon – Forgiving Mother

Off the Shelf 047 with Marge Fenelon – Forgiving Mother November 21, 2017


Marge Fenelon is a Catholic wife, mother, award-winning author and journalist, blogger, and speaker. She’s been awarded the 2015 Egan Journalism Fellowship, which recognizes exceptional journalists who have demonstrated excellence in their reporting for Catholic media in the United States. She’s written for a variety of Catholic media including National Catholic Register, Our Sunday Visitor,, and Catholic Digest. She’s a weekly contributor to Relevant Radio’s “Morning Air Show” and is a popular guest on other Catholic radio and television shows. A popular speaker, she’s known nationally for her warm, personal style. She’s written several books about Marian devotion and Catholic spirituality. Her book, Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena received a 2016 Association of Catholic Publishers Award for Excellence in Publishing. Marge and her husband are consecrated members of the Apostolic Movement of Schoenstatt.

On this episode of Off the Shelf, Marge and I discuss her latest book Forgiving Mother: A Marian Novena of Healing and Peace. Let’s face it. We have some kind of emotional wound we keep tucked away from the world. In Marge’s case she carried a mother wound for years until she made the decision we wanted to heal that wound. How? By going to Mother Mary and asking for help. Mary is the key to forgiveness and healing. Learn how as Marge and I discuss the strategies and power of accepting healing and moving beyond the pain.

Listen to Off the Shelf Episode 047 exclusively on Breadbox Media below.

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