Elsewhere: Doctor Who, the Rapture, LA Noire, Fair Trade Coffee, etc.

Elsewhere: Doctor Who, the Rapture, LA Noire, Fair Trade Coffee, etc. May 20, 2011
Calvin and Hobbes have returned… sort of.

Acclaimed author Sara Zarr and her husband made a decision to not have children, but what does that mean now that all of her friends have children?

Is Doctor Who’s The Doctor a Christ figure or a subverted Messiah?

Season 2 of the BBC’s Sherlock — one of my favorite shows from 2010 — has officially begun shooting.

Acclaimed director Lars Von Trier says he’s a Nazi and understands Hitler at a Cannes festival press conference and subsequently gets banned from the festival, then takes pride in being banned.

“The ongoing clash of creationism with evolution obscures the fact that Christianity has actually had a far more positive role to play in the history of science than commonly believed.”

Ryan Kuo shares his initial thoughts on LA Noire and wonders how the restraint this particular open world calls for will be received by players.

Apparently the writing in most Freshman composition classes is awful. Is it time to rethink how we teach?

Emir Caner made a joke at the expense of the Acts 29 network–it was in very poor taste and many people called him out on it not the least of which was Justin Taylor. Caner has since apologized . . . sort of.

Russell Moore responds to Harold Camping’s claim that the rapture will happen this Saturday–in particular he addresses the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture. Our very own Jason Morehead also wrote an excellent article on the issue earlier this week in case you missed it.

N.T. Wright on what Stephen Hawking doesn’t understand about heaven.

What is your pregame ritual? This might be the funniest thing I read all week.

Fair-trade coffee may do more to soothe your conscience than aid poor workers.

Harvey Mansfield accepts the Bradley Prize with some scathing remarks for what Harvard, where he has taught since 1962, has become. Among the great thoughts “To respect change, diversity must serve to overcome stereotypes, though stereotypes are necessary to diversity.”

Another contribution to civil political discourse: Republicans want to push granny off a cliff.

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