Love Letter 33

Love Letter 33 October 14, 2014

It’s funny how it works when I’m out late working. You would not believe how my heart just bursts into smiles first, then song – no joke, really, song – Here I give . . . for the last 10 minutes or so, as the day and the night wear down. It’s you that I want to be with. It’s you that I belong with. So even if it’s too late and your sound asleep when I come home, I’ll cuddle up quietly, touch your back and know this is it, this is the place in the world where I belong, where I am loved, where I can become what I am – a lover – a lover who wants you to be everything you long to be, a lover who wants to sit and listen when you teach (and be so damn proud and impressed and excited because what you’ve done makes a difference in people’s lives – I saw it TODAY, and YESTERDAY too), a lover who wants to just sit while you sit, a lover who wants to dream while you dream and to see where the path leads us both. Sweetheart, I could not love the others if I did not first love you, for you fill me up with what I am able then to give. I love you.


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