November 18, 2014

Today is #GraceOfYesDay, celebrating my friend Lisa Hendey’s new book, The Grace of Yes: Eight Virtues for Generous Living. Be sure to get your own copy or the spaceman gets it. Read more

November 17, 2014

So I got back from the conference late Saturday afternoon, had my Dominican chapter meeting and similar church responsibilities all day yesterday, have work responsibilities all day today and (most unusually) through the evening, and RCIA tomorrow evening. I’m hoping to get back to a regular blogging schedule ASAP, but it may take a few days. Read more

November 15, 2014

I’m sitting in Portland International waiting for my flight after the end of the Tcl/Tk conference, so it seems an appropriate time to continue my series on software aesthetics. Previously I talked about writing individual procedures, small and large. But what about entire modules—files—of code? Some modules are simply one utility procedure after another with a header comment at the top. Those are straightforward. More often, though, I prefer to implement a module as an ensemble command: a Tcl command... Read more

November 14, 2014

So today is my last full day in Portland, and due to the weather and the conference activities I haven’t actually been out of the hotel since Tuesday evening. (It was genuinely icy at times yesterday.) I’m going to have to go out today, though, as the conference is over just before lunch and the hotel restaurant is your basic $50 steak place. The clouds appear to be thinning this morning, so with luck even if it’s cold it might... Read more

November 13, 2014

This morning I’ll be presenting my paper on Quill, here at the Tcl/Tk conference in Portland. I’m looking forward to it eagerly. This conference has had a different feel than most, as we’ve had very little interaction with the surrounding downtown area. The conference proper begins Wednesday morning and ends around noon on Friday, and usually provides a lunch and dinner during that time. This time, however, the number of attendees was lower than expected, and since the hotel requires... Read more

November 12, 2014

I read mostly e-books these days, and mostly using the Kindle App on my iPad. I like; it works for me, and quickly becomes transparent for me: it’s just me and the book. However, I do have a collection of e-books I’ve acquired for free. As an example, we bought a copy of a David Weber book a while back that had a CD of most of his books in ePub format. I copied them all into Calibre on my... Read more

November 11, 2014

…where it is cold (by Los Angeles standards) and windy, but clear. I strolled up to Powells’ City of Books, and nosed around for a bit, but mostly I’ve been at the conference hotel. It’s a small conference this year, only 27 attendees, but I’m looking forward to it. Read more

November 11, 2014

Eve Tushnet has been blogging about being a celibate gay Catholic since the term “blogosphere” was shiny and new, and though I haven’t followed her career closely I’ve been aware of her presence in the Catholic world for a long, long time. Thus, when I had the opportunity to receive a review copy of her book Gay and Catholic I jumped at it. I should probably begin by saying that this book was not written with people like me in... Read more

November 10, 2014

Some while back a FaceBook friend posted two quotes together: Oprah Winfrey: Know what sparks the light in you. Then use that light to illuminate the world. Catherine of Siena: If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire. But of course, these two statements aren’t identical. Oprah’s dictum is focussed completely on the individual: find out what brings out the best in you, and then bring that to the world. And that’s good advice.... Read more

November 9, 2014

You can’t spend long on-line these days without hearing about, that arbiter of Internet truth; and over the last year I’ve several times read anti-Snopes rants, along these lines: Who are these people? What are their credentials? They have no credentials! They pretend to be experts about subject XYZ, but they’ve got no training in XYZ! And so on, and so forth. Many of them call Snopes’ political leanings into question. Here’s the deal. is run by Barbara... Read more

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