Jan. 4: A Spiritual Detective

Jan. 4: A Spiritual Detective January 4, 2013

When the late Johnny Cash’s wife, June Carter Cash, died in 2003, many of the couple’s family and friends spoke at her funeral service. One of the most poignant eulogies was the one delivered by Rosanne Cash, Johnny’s daughter from his first marriage.

Rosanne had this to say about the kind of person June was: “In her eyes there were two kinds of people in the world: those she knew and loved—and those she didn’t know and loved…She looked for the best in everyone.  It was a way of life for her.  If you pointed out that a particular person was perhaps not totally deserving of her love and in fact might be somewhat of a loser, she would say, ‘Well, honey, we just have to lift him up.’  She was forever lifting people up.  It took a long time for me to understand that what she did when she lifted you up was to mirror the very best part of you back to yourself.  She was like a spiritual detective: she saw into all your dark corners and deep recesses, saw your potential and your possible future and the gifts you didn’t even know you possessed, and she lifted them up for you to see.”

Be the kind of person who lifts others up.

Pursue peace with everyone.  (Hebrews 12:14)

Help me bring out the best in others, Jesus.

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