July 27: Moving Forward

July 27: Moving Forward July 27, 2013

A mother and child stand on a street corner, waiting for the light to change.

“Now you have to wait until you see the traffic light turn red, and the other sign showing you the person walking,” the mother says, adding, “Don’t forget to look both ways, just to be sure.”

The child stands for a moment, even with all the lights in place, and after a check to her left and right.

“What’s the matter?” asks her mother.

“Well, it seems like a lot to think about just to cross the street,” the little girl says, somewhat frustrated.

“Yes, but after all that thinking, you’ll be on your way, moving on,” the mother replies.

In our own lives, we weigh many options and think through many decisions.  In the end, we should strive to keep moving in a forward, positive direction, living life fully every day.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart…and He will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5,6)

Lord, guide my steps; show me Your ways.

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