“Getting kind of bored”

“Getting kind of bored” June 3, 2015


A view of Nuremberg in 1493
Nürnberg in 1493
From the “Nuremberg Chronicles”
(Click to enlarge; click again to enlarge further.)


I’m trying not to overdo it with the links to articles about Elder Perry, but I found this one — drawing on an interview with his son, Lee — very charming:




I learned about Elder Perry’s illness quite early, and, like his family, was stunned at the speed with which things moved.  Elder Perry was extremely sharp and very energetic, and then, almost instantly, was fatally ill.


But I especially loved the article’s insights into his character, his discipline, his desire to be on task — which, I was hearing along the way, continued right up just about to the end.


A remarkable man.  More remarkable than he acknowledged.  And more remarkable, I think, than many Latter-day Saints understood.


Posted from Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany



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