“Little Syria”

“Little Syria” August 3, 2015


Drink vendor, Manhattan, "Little Syria"
Selling cool drinks in “Little Syria,” in Manhattan (1916)
(Click to enlarge.)
This scene could just as easily have been photographed in Cairo, Egypt, where vendors of cool liquids still use such large vessels, strapped to their backs.


In New York City!


My thanks to Jabra Ghneim for bringing this to my attention:




I recall, many years ago, just before my marriage, riding with my friend Kent Brown and another member of the Jerusalem Branch.  Kent and I were very Arab-friendly.  The driver, by contrast, though a foreigner like us and a very nice fellow, was extremely — and I mean extremely — pro-Zionist.


We were passing by some sort of Palestinian Arab prep school.


I had just been thinking to myself how very attractive some of the Palestinian girls emerging from the school were.  Extremely pretty.


Suddenly, the driver commented “They’re not a very good-looking people, are they?”


I’ve thought about that little incident off and on for years.  We see through filters.


Anyway, you see the same sort of thing in this article.


Posted from Victoria, British Columbia



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