“Two scientific journals accepted a study by Maggie Simpson and Edna Krabappel”

“Two scientific journals accepted a study by Maggie Simpson and Edna Krabappel” August 19, 2015


Peer review at Interpreter
Pending availability of a larger building, Interpreter’s full-time staff of peer reviewers continues to occupy this humble structure in midtown Provo. Although their colleagues at Interpreter’s source-checking division enjoy a much larger and newer building nearby, they’ve shown absolutely no envy whatever.


People who know nothing about Interpreter’s peer review process routinely and confidently announce, on the basis of nothing, that it has none.


This, though, is the kind of thing that happens at journals that genuinely don’t have a peer review process:




It’s not the kind of thing that’s likely to happen at Interpreter.


Sheer dumb luck, I suppose.



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