“Disagreeing with LDS Prophets and Apostles vs. Losing Confidence in Them”

“Disagreeing with LDS Prophets and Apostles vs. Losing Confidence in Them” January 17, 2016


Three of the six spires, I think
The Salt Lake City Utah Temple in winter


A few days ago, somebody I’ve known (and liked) for years (and who, so far as I’m aware, remains active in the Church) expressed — rather fiercely, harshly, and vociferously — his contempt for President Russell M. Nelson’s statement (on which, see here and here) that the still-relatively-recent policy clarification regarding children in the custody of same-sex couples came as the result of revelation.  It was, this person said, a “lie.”  Which, I guess, makes President Nelson a liar.  (I’m toning the language down, making it more calm and dispassionate than it actually was.)


I wasn’t pleased at his sentiment, nor at how he expressed it.


I don’t believe in the infallibility of Church leaders, but I hold them in deep respect.  And, moreover, I sustain them.


This is a very good piece by J. Max Wilson, and a relevant one:






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