“On Doubting Nephi’s Break Between 1 and 2 Nephi: A Critique of Joseph Spencer’s ‘An Other Testament: On Typology'”

“On Doubting Nephi’s Break Between 1 and 2 Nephi: A Critique of Joseph Spencer’s ‘An Other Testament: On Typology'” April 28, 2017


Mt. Atitlan and its lake
Lake Atitlán in Guatemala, with volcanic Mount Atitlán in the background
(Wikimedia Commons public domain)


For the 248th week in a row, the nearly moribund Interpreter Foundation has published a new article in Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture:


On Doubting Nephi’s Break Between 1 and 2 Nephi: A Critique of Joseph Spencer’s An Other Testament: On typology


Coincidentally, I’m pleased to announce, my longtime friend and former FARMS colleague Noel Reynolds has joined the Foundation’s leadership.


I would like to take this opportunity, by the way, to thank those who have made Interpreter’s steady publication record possible:  First, Bryce Haymond, who is always ready and quick to help, and who has been responsible, first, for designing and putting up our website and, thereafter, for posting our articles and other items with unparalleled efficiency.  Second, Jeff Bradshaw, who supervised the recruitment, acquisition, and processing of manuscripts almost from the beginning until he and his wife embarked on a period of service in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa Mission.  Third, Allen Wyatt, who took over seamlessly from Jeff and who currently oversees production for us.  Interpreter’s debt of gratitude to these remarkable, very talented, and amazingly generous men is enormous.



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