Staying power

Staying power January 13, 2014

The picture below appeared in our diocesan newspaper, The Tablet:

The caption:

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, Forest Hills, boasts more than 100 members of its Altar Server Society. College and high school members were among the 50 servers who joined with Auxiliary Bishop Paul Sanchez, pastor, and the parish priests and deacons at Christmas Midnight Mass. Also shown are Fathers Francis J. Passenant and Antonin Kocurek, O. Praem., and Deacon Greg Kandra.

The head of our Altar Server Society, David James, proudly points out to me that the kids shown above are all in college or high school; many help train and mentor the newer kids coming up through the ranks. It’s not uncommon for altar servers to stay involved for seven or eight years—or longer. Many later become involved as lectors, EMHCs or choir members.  What a great group.

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