Prayers for Benedict Groeschel

Prayers for Benedict Groeschel September 30, 2014


The Cardinal Newman Society posted this on their Facebook page: 

We received word from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal that Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., fell and reinjured the same arm that was hurt in his accident ten years ago.

One of his brother friars, Fr. Glenn Sudano, related that Fr. Groeschel is in much pain, and that they are asking for the intercession of Venerable Solanus Casey, a former roommate of Fr. Groeschel who is up for beatification, in his healing.

Father Groeschel was a very close advisor and friend to The Cardinal Newman Society until he retired a few years ago, and we owe him a debt of gratitude for his tireless work and prayers on behalf of faithful education.

Now he needs our prayers.

Will you please join us in praying the following prayer for Father:

O Gracious and loving father,
we humbly implore You
to look kindly upon Your son and servant
Father Benedict Joseph.

Invoking Your Divine Mercy,
we ask that You manifest in a unique, evident, and wonderful way
relief from the burden of his present illness and injury.

As we approach Your Holy Majesty
with certain faith, sure hope, and full confidence,
we beg to obtain this special grace;
so that he may receive even now
a foretaste of the full reward
that awaits him in the future.

We entrust this prayer in a special way
to Your dedicated and faithful servant,
Father Solanus Casey.

May this holy friar,
who so inspired Father Benedict here on earth,
now powerfully intercede for him from heaven.

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