Clergy on the scene in Ferguson

Clergy on the scene in Ferguson November 26, 2014


From Huffington Post: 

Following the grand jury’s decision not to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown, thousands took to the streets in Ferguson, Missouri, and around the country to protest. As alternating scenes of peaceful demonstrations and those of violence, fire and looting were broadcast, Ferguson faith leaders repeatedly urged that the only way to move forward was to amplify the voices of peace.

Many local clergy, who had called for non-violent resistance before the decision, called for justice afterward.

Rev. Ronald L. Bobo Sr., senior pastor of West Side Missionary Baptist Church who has been involved in the local clergy coalition, warned that people should not let bitterness overcome them even at a time when many are asking, “Where is God?”

“If we feel there is injustice, we have to say that, but we have to be sure we respond to it without violence that we might make our voices heard in places where we can get some sort of healing,” he said in an interview.

Brown’s family had released a statement following the announcement urging protesters to remain peaceful. The family said, “Answering violence with violence is not the appropriate reaction.”..

…According to Rabbi Susan Talve of Central Reform Congregation in St. Louis, she and other members of the clergy had anticipated the grand jury would make its announcement by 5 p.m. on Monday, and many houses of worship had 7 p.m. services planned. When the announcement came after 8 p.m. local time, people had already been waiting outside the Ferguson Police Department for three hours and the situation quickly escalated.

“The streets had been shut down,” Talve told HuffPost. “When we got there, they were already teargassing people. When I got there, we were teargassed right away, but we stayed.”

Clergy wore orange vests Monday night so that protesters could identify them and seek support, said Brittini Gray, a seminarian at Eden Theological Seminary. Many houses of worship in the area were open all night to provide sanctuary.

Talve said she was caught off guard by how quickly the protests escalated, but she emphasized that there were few injuries. “No one wanted violence, but if we’re more upset about the destruction of property than we are about the loss of life, it’s idolatry,” Talve said.

…Central Reform Congregation and many other houses of worship in the area will remain open 24 hours, Talve said, to provide sanctuaries where people can charge their cell phones, eat, receive medical attention and find legal support.

“We’re going to try to do what we can to de-escalate violence but keep the movement going,” Talve said. “We’re not going to be silenced. We’re going to continue protest until we see things change.”

There’s more at the link. 

Meantime, a reader sent me the following email:

A few weeks ago, I went to Ferguson, Missouri, on purpose – to see and to pray. In the Catholic parish in Ferguson, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, this prayer was in every pew.

Prayer for Peace and Healing in our Community
O, Loving Father,
You, the creator of the earth and the creator of human beings in
your image, SEND YOUR SPIRIT upon our
neighborhoods and members of our churches
that our hearts become hearts of
love and not hearts of stone.
May your Spirit fill us with insight and understanding
of the issues that lay below the surface
of Michael Brown’s death.
May you console Michael Brown’s family
with your healing grace,
and walk with the family of the policeman
involved in the shooting.
Bless as well those who hold positions of
authority in our communities….
give them wisdom, compassion and courage
as they serve the common good.
We stand before you in our brokenness,
pleading for your grace to come upon us,
that we might be filled with your presence at this time.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

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