This just fills me with joy

This just fills me with joy May 28, 2015

Behold, the incomparable living legend, Dick Van Dyke, still kicking up his heels at the ridiculous age of 89.

God love him.

The YouTube description from the group The Dustbowl Revival notes:

We had the luck and the privilege to share the first single “Never Had To Go” from our 2015 release With A Lampshade On with the man himself, Dick Van Dyke and his lovely wife Arlene. They said come over and let’s do a video. So we did. What a dreamy guy.

And I couldn’t help but notice the cross hanging on his wall. Wikipedia reports that he considered at one time becoming a minister: 

Van Dyke’s mother’s family was very religious, and for a brief period in his youth he considered a career in ministry, although a drama class in high school convinced him that his true calling was as a professional entertainer. In his autobiography he wrote, “I suppose that I never completely gave up my childhood idea of being a minister. Only the medium and the message changed. I have still endeavored to touch people’s souls, to raise their spirits and put smiles on their faces”.  Even after the launch of his career as an entertainer, he taught Sunday school in the Presbyterian Church, where he was an elder, and he continued to read such theologians as BuberTillich, and Bonhoeffer, who he has said helped explain in practical terms the relevance of religion in everyday life.

Take a look at the video below, and enjoy. He looks like he’s having the time of his life.

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