Dressing for Mass: “So much of what we wear communicates our identity”

Dressing for Mass: “So much of what we wear communicates our identity” July 8, 2015


A terrific and timely new video by Eric Coughlin about how we should dress for Mass, featuring (among others) the great Brandon Vogt and his family.

Read Brandon’s take on all this, too:

How you dress matters. There are at least two reasons why. First, because of what it says to others. Dressing nicely communicates respect and honor. When you dress specially for Mass, you’re telling God, “You are worth the effort; you deserve my best.” It tells your fellow worshippers, “I take Mass seriously; it’s not just one casual event among many for me.”

Second, dressing respectfully changes your interior orientation. I’ve found that when I pull on a suit and tie, my thoughts, speech, and general approach to the world all change. I become more gentlemanly. I’m more serious than silly. I’m better able to focus, display reverence, and sink into prayer. That’s why I’m convinced dressing up is a spiritual discipline.

Check it out at the link.

And check out my post on this issue from a few years back.

Photo via Brandon Vogt

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