“If anyone is discerning a calling, my advice is simple: Give the keys to God and see where he wants to take you.”

“If anyone is discerning a calling, my advice is simple: Give the keys to God and see where he wants to take you.” July 7, 2015

Greg Kandra 1

Some months back, my old friend Sister Camille D’Arienzo got in touch and asked me if I’d take part in her interview series for The National Catholic Reporter. I said sure. This week, they published the results. I’d more or less forgotten about it until a friend tonight sent me the link.


What have you learned from being a deacon?

I never cease to be amazed, awed, humbled and challenged. God uses us in ways we may never have imagined. And the grace of Holy Orders continues to make the impossible possible. I sometimes wonder where I find the stamina, energy or imagination to do what I need to do. But as St. Paul reminded us, “God’s grace is sufficient.” More and more, I realize that being a deacon draws on that grace. It’s a well that never runs dry.

What is your image of God?

He is a lot more patient, tolerant, merciful and good-humored than we are. He delights in surprising us. I imagine he finds himself exasperated sometimes, but he never tires of waiting for us to come to our senses. And: He loves without limits, loving even those who do not love him or even believe in him. This is something most of us can’t fathom because it’s just not something most of us could manage. But, of course: That’s why he’s God and we’re not.

Who and what encourages you?

I am genuinely moved by the fervor and faith of my wife. She prays with such utter sincerity and simplicity and trust. She’s much more disciplined than I am. A day doesn’t go by that she doesn’t pray a full rosary, sometimes two or three. I want to be like her when I grow up.

What advice would you offer men wanting to follow your example?

When I began formation, after a very brief period of discernment, just a few weeks, I essentially said to God, “OK. Here’s the deal. You take the keys. You drive. We’ll go as far as you want. If you want me to get out, fine. If you want me to make it to the end and be ordained, that’s fine, too. But probably for the first time in my life, I’m trusting you with this major life decision. You are literally in the driver’s seat. Now, let’s go.” It seems to have worked out. If anyone is discerning a calling, my advice is simple: Give the keys to God and see where he wants to take you.

Continue at the link. 

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