February 16, 2015

I have never been fond of working out—except maybe swimming. But now that I have reached a certain age, the idea of putting on a swimsuit doesn’t thrill me. I was never particularly fond of it. Shopping for a swimsuit has always been worse than buying new jeans. But now that I’m fifty, all I can say is give me the jeans, the dress with the knee-length hem, the timeless pieces that flatter rather than flaunt. I’ll pass on the... Read more

February 15, 2015

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February 3, 2015

Sometimes, the littlest thoughts are the greatest graces. Something flashes across the mind, and it is as though the whole kingdom of God just rolled out before you. And maybe that Kingdom is there 24/7, but you think you just might be too busy to see it most of the time. But you just did. You just got it. I had one of those moments tonight while reading the final pages of The Little Way of the Infant Jesus by Caryll Houselander.... Read more

January 13, 2015

http://www.amazon.com/Gifts-Visitation-Spiritual-Encounters-Elizabeth/dp/1594715688/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1421185430&sr=8-1&keywords=Gifts+of+the+Visitation Read more

January 7, 2015

I’m catching up to January 6th in my new book – 365 Travel (ed. Lisa Bach) – which arrived today. January 2nd has an entry by Mary Morris. She says people who love to travel also love maps. I sure didn’t fit that profile, especially in 5th grade. My family moved in the middle of that school year, and I ended up having to take map skills twice – once in Lime Springs and again in Riceville. I missed Iowa history completely... Read more

January 5, 2015

Sunday’s homily hit home. Fr. Miller talked about those times when God talks to us through little signs, little words, little insights. He does communicate with us, Fr. Tom says. We just have to be listening. I didn’t deliberately start out the last three years asking God this question, but it seems like the question was just inside me and like God was already whispering the answer back to me. What are you requiring of me this year? What will... Read more

January 3, 2015

I slept late a couple of mornings this past week. A strange thing happens when I sleep late. I dream some of my most fascinating dreams. I’ve been pondering this morning’s dream for a while. I was a teacher in a classroom. It was the first day of class. The students were given “love thy neighbor” names, a year-long version of secret Santa. There were a few differences. They weren’t to give gifts. Their only job was to make that... Read more

December 30, 2014

Oh sure. I have New Year’s Resolutions in my head. But this year, I am not going to put pen to paper. I’m not even going to dwell on those things in my head. They will not get my time. I don’t want to be anybody else. I don’t even want to be a different kind of me. There is only one thing to do, one necessary thing:   I simply want to bring Him joy by being more of... Read more

December 15, 2014

I had a dream last night. People from many points in my past were coming together and gathering around a table for a meal. Some were there because they believed in what I am doing with my life right now. Some were there because they disagree with what I am doing with my life right now. And I had accepted the invitation to meet with them and answer their questions. It felt like an interview for a job. I was... Read more

November 30, 2014

[picture of a synagogue in Capernaum, Israel] Don’t  you wonder what it was like for Mary when the sun rose on the morning after the Annunciation? I do. Did it all come flooding back to her? And with the memory of a divine visitation from Archangel Gabriel, did the whole history of God’s people rush through her mind? Did she reach down with the palm of her hand and touch her own tummy – and think about it all? This little life... Read more

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