God Whispering

God Whispering January 5, 2015

Sunday’s homily hit home. Fr. Miller talked about those times when God talks to us through little signs, little words, little insights. He does communicate with us, Fr. Tom says. We just have to be listening.

I didn’t deliberately start out the last three years asking God this question, but it seems like the question was just inside me and like God was already whispering the answer back to me.

What are you requiring of me this year? What will the year be … in a word … in a phrase?

Two years ago, I felt the Lord saying that it would be a year of oblation and libation. Who wants to hear that? Oblation is an offering up – like a burnt offering. Libation is a pouring out – like a bottle of wine that is poured out for others to drink. And the year ended up being pretty much an oblation. A libation. My granddaughter was born without life signs and almost died. She was in the neonatal unit for weeks, she was supposed to have mild to moderate brain damage (an MRI proved that prognosis wrong), she had two surgeries on nerves that were damaged during the birth. My third child was pregnant with her third child, she wasn’t married, and she wasn’t in the Church. I left teaching to help hold the family together; so the family finances took a hit. Yes, it was a year of oblation and libation.

Last year, I felt the Lord saying that it would be a year of “get ready” – and I knew what was coming. I had a vision when I was a child about who I would be in middle age. I saw myself, and in the vision, I looked like I do today. I’m 50. When I had the vision, I was eight. Last year, I knew that I was supposed to get ready because the vision was about to be fulfilled. Last year, I wrote my first book, my syndicated column was published in its 63rd diocesan newspaper, I traveled to the Holy Land twice, and I became a professional travel writer for Select International Tours and Cruises. I received invitations to be keynote speakers at conferences and did radio show after radio show. “Get ready” was right. I was pushed so far beyond my quiet little writing corner in New Melle, Missouri, that it became a habit – a way of life – to ignore the little voice we all have that says, “But you’ve never done that before.”

This year, I am already set to travel to the Holy Land and Mexico. I will be planning new pilgrimages for 2016 – as the pilgrimage leader. I have two books in progress, two publishers seeking sample chapters, more writing venues, new speaking opportunities. So what is God whispering to me this year.

It is so beautiful. So lovely. Because I know. I don’t just think I know. I know.

Yes, God does whisper to us. And sometimes He asks us to become a burnt offering for others. That can be scary. But He is there with us.

Sometimes He sends us into a year and stretches us, saying get ready. That can be intimidating, too. But He is there with us.

This year, He is telling me to be glad. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is a joy. A privilege. A treasure we hold in these earthen vessels of flesh and blood. I am being called to joy. Rejoice, and be glad. Let that joy radiate.

Yes. Radiate for Christ.

What is God whispering to you? He talks to you. Do you believe it? He does. Sit quietly. Pray. Let your soul begin to ask the question it was made to ask:

What would you have of me, my Lord and my God? Whisper it to me. Let me hear.


Jesus touched his ears and his tongue. Looking up to heaven, Jesus groans and says, “Ephphatha,” which means “Be opened.” Immediately the man could hear and speak plainly.



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