May 9, 2019

What feels like praying to you?  Is it quilting or serving in the soup kitchen or teaching children or doing your work well and thoroughly?  Is it playing music or creating art?  Where are you pouring out your life for God? Read more

April 16, 2019

We cannot know him, follow him, or love him unless we embrace Jesus’ cruciform heart. Read more

April 11, 2019

The ancient church was called “the Way” because it’s meant to be walked--and it’s impossible to walk it alone (Acts 9:2).  We need spiritual fathers and mothers. Read more

April 4, 2019

Being called to ministry will involve a sensible, loving unfolding of our whole lives in a deliberate direction, some of which we choose for ourselves, some of which we don’t. Read more

March 28, 2019

It's so easily forget that to be alive is to be the beneficiary of a whole line of giftedness slacking back into history’s dark waters. Read more

March 6, 2019

The words and ash of Ash Wednesday are a prick to our consciences to turn and truly live. Read more

March 1, 2019

Ash Wednesday makes the beginning of a season of repentance during which we seek to put our spiritual houses in order. Read more

February 7, 2019

All too often, we confuse our paying work with our unchanging vocation--and that leads to no small amount of frustration. Read more

January 24, 2019

 Coffee grants me the escape velocity to transcend the dull ordinariness of time and self. This is not good. Read more

January 17, 2019

When we sleep, we are releasing life and history to the God who never sleeps, who is always at work in ways beyond our knowing. Read more

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