Jesus in HD 90: THE Answer to THE Question: “Why?”

Jesus in HD 90: THE Answer to THE Question: “Why?” November 21, 2014


From Dewey Bertolini, Pastor of The Safe Haven in McMinnville, OR:

You’ve perhaps heard his name — a rather strange name at that! His name is Job. The man who had it all, only to have it all taken away.

As you will hear in this PODCAST, in the blink of his eye, everything changed. And not for the better.

The book of Job poses for us a number of VERY IMPORTANT and DIFFICULT questions:

  • Why did such unspeakable things happen to such a godly man?
  • Why did God let it happen?
  • Why did God give permission to Satan to torment Job as he did?
  • What (if any) was God’s purpose behind it all?
  • What are WE supposed to learn from his story — about our lives, about our circumstances, about our painful challenges, and about our God?
  • What does the story have to do with our ongoing study of Jesus in HD?

All of these questions, and so many more, will be addressed in this podcast.

So, let’s start out by looking at Job 1:1 –

There once was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless—a man of complete integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil.

Now, as we look at Job’s story, we can’t escape all these questions about human suffering, pain, and God’s role in it all.

Keep in mind that we are never alone – even in the seasons of pain and suffering that we endure – He is abundantly aware and He is there.

You see, even when life hurls its worst at us and we are compelled to cry out, “WHY?!?!” God reminds us that it’s really all about “Who”. It’s all about Him, His compassion and His mercy.

James 5:11 says –

11 Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.

As we ask “Why?”, God would answer, “Trust Me. I’ve got this. I’ve got you. And more importantly, you’ve got Me. And we will get through this (no matter what ‘this’ may be) together.”

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