August 4, 2015

To purchase the entire DVD set of the Summit Lecture Series, visit When it comes to watching pornography, people often say that it’s not unhealthy because, “I’m not hurting anybody.” Somehow, we bought this idea in our culture that you can do whatever you want to do, as long as you don’t hurt anybody else. By that definition, you could be into voyeurism. You could peep through your neighbors’ windows and watch them undress without their knowing. Presumably, this activity... Read more

August 3, 2015

My five-year-old son recently suffered a bout with RSV – or Respiratory Syncytial Virus – a really nasty, highly contagious bug that infected his lungs and breathing passages. We didn’t think it was that serious at first, but when he didn’t get over it for a few days, we took him to the nearby clinic. He hated it there: “When can we go home? When can we go home?!” I tried to calm him by reassuring him that we’d... Read more

July 31, 2015

Some people who are “Born Again”… and KNOW that they are born again… You see, you’ll know that you know when you are. But, when you’re not sure, then you probably aren’t. But some people who are and know that they are are what I call a “Point In Time” Christian. A Point in Time Christian is someone who may not remember the exact date, but they remember the circumstance – it may have been at a revival meeting or Harvest Crusade,... Read more

July 30, 2015

It may sound strange to you, as you will hear on this PODCAST. But if I kicked a bottle and a genie popped out, offering to grant me but one wish, any idea what I’d wish for? I’d wish for the ability to point my finger at anyone, anywhere, at any time, and become that person for 10 minutes. On the surface of things, an odd request, I know. But if you think about it, for me it makes perfect sense.... Read more

July 30, 2015

A Personal Story:  I was driving along a country road one day with a heavy spirit.  It seemed hard for me to articulate to the Lord what I was feeling.  You know those days when you just want to say to Him, “Lord just hear my heart.” I began to sing to Him what I was feeling and I kept singing this chorus over and over…. “Lord, do You see me? Do you hear my heart?” From the depths... Read more

July 28, 2015

To purchase the entire DVD set of the Summit Lecture Series, visit Many leading experts in addiction attest that pornography is one of the most difficult habits to break. Sometimes even harder than crack cocaine! You see, when you take a drug, it feels good the fist time. But, to get the same high in the ensuing times you take the drug, you have to take more of it or a harder drug. The same is true for pornography. The... Read more

July 28, 2015

My oldest son recently began growing a bit of facial hair. Now, as most men know, the first couple years of beard growth consist mainly of “practice beards”. You don’t want to get very attached to them, because you shave them off quicker than it takes for them to grow in. You actually get rid of them about as fast as you cover up primer when painting a living room wall. Yet, for many men, facial hair is still... Read more

July 24, 2015

This is going to be So. Much. Fun for me. (And for you, I hope!) So indulge me here, because I LOVE this stuff. Look carefully and you might see my bemused smile on my face! It is just so comical to me how easily we take what Jesus made so simple, only to make it so insufferably complicated. And to be perfectly honest with you, I am awestruck. That’s the tone with which I want to teach this PODCAST’s passage.... Read more

July 24, 2015

Nobody consulted you and asked you if you wanted to be born. They just “had” you. Then, a generation later, you had your kids. You didn’t consult them beforehand, either. So, when we are born, we have life. And, one of these days, each and every one of us are going to die. Therefore, life is basically the dash between two dates. We see it on tombstones across the globe. Another definition for life is this: Life is a sexually... Read more

July 23, 2015

Today I am addressing women but If there are men listening please don’t stop…as so much of what I say here applies to you as well….YOU are betrothed to Jesus too.  I think I will address men in a future podcast in relation to seeing Jesus as the lover of their soul.   It does not take away from your masculinity…actually, just the opposite is true…but it takes a secure man in who he is and his own masculinity to allow this to... Read more

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