June 30, 2015

It’s time for another Big Picture Podcast. I’m Joel Fieri, back again to hopefully bring clarity to the mammoth challenges facing today’s Church and greater society. In light of recent events I think it might help to check in with our not-so-groovy friend the Late ‘Boomer as he gives us his perspective on current events as part of his effort to clean up the societal mess that is the legacy of his generation, the Baby Boomers. Here goes. Now... Read more

June 25, 2015

Because I am an advocate that stands up for those who have been victims of childhood abuse and…. Because I am a healed survivor of my own past of childhood abuse… I once again feel the need to speak up on behalf of that group of people that even the church tries to shush up…because the disclosure is so uncomfortable for them…so it is easier to sweep it under the rug and pretend we don’t know these things are happening every day. When... Read more

June 25, 2015

My dad absolutely, positively GUARANTEES that – 100% of the time – the People, Places and Things that YOU choose to surround yourself with will affect your daily decisions. Too many times, people believe that they will impact the people they surround themselves with more than they, themselves are impacted – which can be true, if the numbers are in your favor. Not just the amount of people you are hanging with, but also the amount of time you are with them,... Read more

June 25, 2015

IN THIS EPISODE OF THE PODCAST, I’M HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH THREE TEENS ABOUT HOW THEY DEVELOPED THEIR OWN PERSONAL DEVOTIONAL TIME WITH GOD Now, every Christian parent I know wants their children to learn how to walk closely with the LORD. We know how important it is to maintain a vibrant relationship with God as an adult, and want it for our kids too. In this episode of the Christian Home and Family podcast, which is quite a bit longer... Read more

June 23, 2015

This is Joel Fieri, and I’m back after a long absence from the Big Picture Podcast, the show dedicated to hopefully bringing some clarity and keeping the conversation going about what’s happening these days in the Church and our fast changing culture and society. And the first thing I want to do is to once again get in touch with my inner Backrow Baptist and see what he’s seen and heard lately in his all-encompassing “view from the back... Read more

June 23, 2015

To purchase the entire DVD set of the Summit Lecture Series, visit summit.org. One of the greatest myths circulating around our culture today that involves pornography is this: “It doesn’t affect me.” I teach at a Christian school, and in my class, we have many frank and open discussions. One discussion originated with the internet at large and it shifted into internet porn. There was one student – a great kid from a great family – who I could tell was... Read more

June 22, 2015

In this week’s podcast, we continue to make the study of Apologetics easy, by looking at different ways to test the reliability of ancient documents. Think about this:  If an original manuscript was mandatory for proving if an event really happened, then all ancient history would be wiped away.  So much history occurred long before the printing press, or any other type of manuscript creation. That being said, experts turn to the Bibliographical Test. The Bibliographical Test asks: “Does it... Read more

June 22, 2015

Lawyers always say, “Don’t ever ask a question you don’t already know the answer to.” But I’m no lawyer. So, I should have consulted one when I recently asked my wife why she doesn’t listen to my podcast. Her answer? I’ve never had any women on. So, in the interest of growing my audience by at least one very important person – my bride – I have a dear friend as my special guest this week. Tori Taff and... Read more

June 22, 2015

Adding to the list of phrases “Never to Say at an Airport”, as made famous by my friend Ken Davis: When the frustrated public speaker, aka flight attendant addressing the passengers, announces which one item is allowed in your pockets as you pass through the full-body scanner – absolutely NOTHING – not keys, cell phones, Kleenex tissues, Barbie dolls, combs, fishing lures, love letters, hate letters, dog treats, lawn ornaments, autographed pictures of Ed Asner… NOTHING! When you come... Read more

June 19, 2015

You can’t cancel sin. You may have done a whole bunch of good stuff, but if you’ve done one bad thing, that good stuff doesn’t cancel it out. And here’s the kicker – There will be NO SIN IN HEAVEN. Heaven is perfect, holy and pure. God is perfect, holy and pure. He will not dwell in the presence of sin. So, any person who has any sin in their life – which is each and every one of us since... Read more

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