June 19, 2015

You might call this discussion “One Daddy’s Lament.” Or to put an even finer point on it, “My Daddy’s Lament.” Or even “This Daddy’s Lament.” The “This Daddy” in that title referring to me. All if which I will explain in mere moments as you listen to this PODCAST. But for now, I don’t have to tell you that Jesus was a radical in every sense of that word. Jesus did things that were totally unexpected, unpredictable, unconventional. More to... Read more

June 18, 2015

“Wait a minute! I thought my kids were responsible to have their OWN faith in Jesus!” They are. You can relax. That’s not what I’m talking about. Of course they have to choose to place their trust in Jesus, but the question is, “How are they going to get to that point?” THAT is where your responsibility as a Christian parent comes in. In this episode I go through Psalm 78, and discuss how YOU are responsible, in God’s eyes,... Read more

June 18, 2015

I want to give you a few examples from former clients, with fictional names of course, of what I have come to recognize as a father wound… Caden had trouble just being himself…He always had to wear a mask of perfection for fear of not being accepted.  No one knew the real Caden.  Inside he yearned for love and validation and thought the only way he could do that is be someone other than who he is.  Underneath he... Read more

June 17, 2015

I remember so many times as a boy wanting to go somewhere, do something, wear something, or buy something that “everyone else” was doing. Peer pressure took up residency in our home in a big way for a number of years – as is the case in almost all homes with teenagers. My parents would say the perfunctory, “If Brian jumped off a bridge, would you?” (Sadly, I now find myself pulling this one out when flabbergasted by my... Read more

June 16, 2015

What’s the big deal with pornography? The truth is that it is a huge subject that we need to deal with honestly and frankly. So, starting with the root of it all, the word “pornography” comes from the Greek word pornographos, which means “writing about prostitutes”. Yet, according to our culture, and as quoted by actor Seth Rogen’s character in the film Zack and Miri Make a Porno, “It’s all mainstream now.” And, according to recent polls, 42.7% of all... Read more

June 15, 2015

Joining our show this week is someone whom I have admired from afar for quite some time now. Author of “Ashamed No More: A Pastor’s Journey Through Sex Addiction” – an extremely powerful book that I have read three times – Thomas “TC” Ryan and I worked at a conference together recently and I couldn’t be more excited to talk about life with him! TC had been a pastor at a sizeable church for 19 years, prior to “voluntarily” stepping down.... Read more

June 12, 2015

There is one thing in this world that may very well be the single most important thing we can give to our children. We can give them a safe home to live in, which would indeed offer them a firm foundation to build their futures on. Their natural needs would all be provided for: shelter, clothing, food & water. A safe home is a tremendous offering for any parent to give any child. Taking it to the next level, sharing... Read more

June 12, 2015

The first time sin happened was not in the Garden of Eden. The first time it happened was when Lucifer wanted to set his throne above the stars of God. God had made Lucifer His most beautiful creature, but Lucifer wasn’t happy being number two. Now, sin had never entered God’s creation before, and it shuttered when somebody said, “No” to God. So one third of the angelic host went with Satan, and all of creation shuttered. Sin is wanting... Read more

June 11, 2015

Everyone fights those nagging little voices of condemnation that speak to their own minds. It’s part of the human condition. It’s that voice in your head that repeats things like: “I am so worthless. I am such a failure. I am not worthy of anything…” We all experience this. Parents, you have to know that your kids are going to struggle with those same issues. In fact, they probably already do, even the younger ones. But for Christians, there is... Read more

June 11, 2015

Today I want to talk about unhealed relationship wounds…I had a client I will call Georgia …she had finally reached the end of her rope when she came in for coaching.  She was on her 3rd husband and could not understand why he was so much like the former 2 husbands who were rageful, controlling and vengeful.  She longed for a peaceful marriage but her feeble attempts to ‘fix’ these men had made her feel like such a failure... Read more

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