June 10, 2015

I have two podcasts / blogs that each come from my perspective of a Christian parent of four boys and are aimed toward other Christ-following, Bible-believing people who have a spare ten minutes in their day to hear what I (and often my dad) have to say. But lately, judging by many of the comments that I have received, it appears that my audience has expanded to people whom I hadn’t originally intended. It seems like a lot of people... Read more

June 10, 2015

From Pam Rohr, author of Blended but not Broken – Hope and Encouragement for Blended Families: Let’s talk about perspectives today, what is perspective and how does it influence our attitudes and decisions.  Is the glass half full or half empty, it boils down to your perspective. To quote Rick Riordan: “Humans see what they want to see.” I recently heard of a study that really explains the importance of perspective.  In the experiment, children were divided into two groups.  The... Read more

June 9, 2015

To purchase the entire DVD set of the Summit Lecture Series, visit summit.org. Moral Rules are a product of intelligence. That is, they need a Mind behind them. So what sort of intelligence could this be? It must be the sort of being Who could be the ground for natural moral law. That’s basically “fancy philosopher talk” for: If I believe that it is wrong to take people’s property from them without their permission, and you agree, to whom do I... Read more

June 8, 2015

From ABCNews Sacramento: A California driver may have set a record for fastest car wash. A 94-year-old man is caught on camera speeding through the Quick Quack Car Wash in Sacramento at an estimated 40 miles per hour. If you think about it, this would save a lot of time! It actually reminds me a lot of how my kids would bathe themselves – “I did take a shower… see? My foot’s a little wet still!” The man paid... Read more

June 8, 2015

Sometimes, don’t you just wish you could go back to simpler times? If I could go back to when I was eight-years-old, that would be cool. My biggest concerns were collecting baseball cards, inventing new ways to build bicycle jumps out of lumber scraps, and pleading with my parents to get one of those new “Happy Meals” from McDonalds for lunch. My friends and I roamed around our neighborhood singing pop songs at the top of our lungs with... Read more

June 4, 2015

Welcome to one of the most practical and profitable passages in all of the Gospels. As you will hear in this PODCAST, Jesus’ words hit us right where we live. I mean, this goes right to the heart of who we are as Christ-followers, how we interact with our world, and how the world consequently perceives us. Given the positive responses of so many of the people at Safe Haven where this message was taught, I know that you will... Read more

June 4, 2015

From Carey Green, author, blogger, speaker, coach and pastor: Parenting is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work if you’re going to do it in an effective, God-honoring way. “Purposeful Parenting” is a way of viewing your relationship in a proactive way rather than floating through your parenting role, dealing with things as they come up. You need to be keenly aware of what is really going on, on the inside of your child’s heart, thoughts and attitudes. The... Read more

June 4, 2015

From Certified Life Coach Dixie Diamanti, Author of Climbing Out of the Box and Fifty Ways to Meet Your Lover: Have you ever noticed that the guy who is obsessed with someone else’s “sin”, and can’t shut up about it, kind of stands out like a sore thumb?   Does it make you wonder if he struggles with the very thing he feels compelled to expose in others as his “Christian” duty? You may not have even been made aware of it but now... Read more

June 3, 2015

Last week, I was able to enjoy one of life’s great pleasures: Dad and I went to a ballgame together. My poor wife and mom endured eight long innings of what they considered monotony, but what Dad and I considered pure joy! I say only eight innings, because I don’t care who you are, the ninth inning was a blast – tie game, bases loaded, five-man infield, capped off with a walk-off grand slam by the home team! (It... Read more

June 2, 2015

When reading the Bible, stories become much more than just stories when you approach them with the three simple questions: What is God doing or saying in this passage? How do the people respond to Him and then He respond to their response? How does this apply to me? In this week’s podcast, we take a look at John 1:35-50 and look at the seemingly simple story of Jesus calling His disciples. 35 The following day John was again standing with... Read more

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