June 2, 2015

To purchase the entire DVD set of the Summit Lecture Series, visit summit.org. Imagine somebody holding a worldview rooted in an unguided evolution. Most often, people in this camp contend that morality is necessary for survival. So, our intuitions about the wrongness of adultery, murder, stealing, and so forth… are merely the consequences of eons of time combined with the survival of these traits which lead to these sentiments of guilt when we violate moral laws. Therefore, there is no mind... Read more

June 1, 2015

I can’t watch movies with my wife anymore. I mean, we like to watch movies together, but we never get to the part where we actually watch the movie. Before ever even hitting “Play”, we always engage in about two hours of negotiations. She’s kind of picky. Now, It’s been pre-determined by providence that I am to be the “movie offerer”. And it’s her job to systematically turn down each option that I offer. “Should we watch this one?”... Read more

May 29, 2015

Hello and welcome to Parent Like You Mean It – the podcast where we examine healthy ways to stretch yourself beyond what is comfortable or convenient and into what is intentional and purposeful in regards to raising your kids. I’m Jefferson Drexler, and just like you, I want my kids to be accepted and viewed as “normal”, without compromising an inch of their integrity and values. Which brings me right to this week’s topic: should good Christian parents allow... Read more

May 28, 2015

So here’s my question: If you were Jesus, and you wanted to convey the idea in a way that no one could possibly miss, That you loved someone… That you cared about someone more than they could ever even begin to imagine… That you would be there for that person No. Matter. What… That in their loneliest moments, when they felt totally abandoned and isolated and detached from everyone, that you were still there… That your love and care... Read more

May 28, 2015

From Carey Green, author, blogger, speaker, coach and pastor: One of the most difficult parts of the Christian life is continuing to trust God when hard things are coming into our lives. In times of disappointment and pain – when situations worse than your wildest nightmares are happening to you. And you are God’s child. How do you explain that? God, what are You doing? Why is this happening to me? I thought I was Your child and that You were... Read more

May 28, 2015

From Certified Life Coach Dixie Diamanti, Author of Climbing Out of the Box and Fifty Ways to Meet Your Lover: Actively letting go is a little more pro-active than when you are forced to let go. It’s a practice. It’s being awake. It can bring great relief. Except for the agony of it! It is not the same as “passively letting go.” Like when you have no choice…..whereby life rips stuff out of your grip, or you paint yourself into a corner, or life gets... Read more

May 27, 2015

I recently received a comment on a podcast I did entitled Ever Feel Like Giving Up?   In it I was speaking to the adults of stepfamilies and encouraging them not to give up though I understand it can be very hard at times. The comment I received was from a stepchild we’ll call JJ. This is part of what she wrote: “Step parents complaining about their step children is SO OFFENSIVE. So highly offensive. They FREELY CHOSE to have step... Read more

May 27, 2015

First off, if you’re offended by this week’s title, then this may not be the right article for you.  Secondly, if you do not consider yourself a Bible believing Christ-follower, this may not be the right article for you.  Thirdly, if you think that Josh Duggar should be rung up and banned from the public circle, then this may not be the right article for you. All that being said, if you consider the Bible to be infallible, and... Read more

May 26, 2015

To purchase the entire DVD set of the Summit Lecture Series, visit summit.org. Moral rules have an incumbency to them. In other words, there’s a “force” that we feel prior to any behavior, which is sometimes referred to as your conscience. Also, violating moral rules results in deep discomfort, otherwise known as guilt. Now, the feeling of guilt is different than the reality of guilt. There are people who are literally guilty, though they may not feel it, and sometimes people... Read more

May 26, 2015

In this week’s podcast, we take a look at the importance of prayer when we read the Bible as part of our personal daily devotional time.  If reading the Bible is part of a growing Christian walk with God, then talking, communicating, having honest and open conversations must be part of your Spiritual growth as well. One thing I do is start out by reading a Psalm. It tends to help put me into a worshipful mindset, from which... Read more

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