#SKEPTIMERGENT: convince an atheist of process

#SKEPTIMERGENT: convince an atheist of process March 7, 2013

Welcome to our first official video project!

Please take a few minutes and watch the following intro video:


(I recorded and uploaded this video to YouTube in about five minutes. It’s super easy to do!)

For reference, here are the questions I listed:

  • What is gained by embracing a process approach toward reality that would not be gained via other approaches?
  • What kinds of questions does process answer that cannot be answered by a rigid naturalism?
  • What are some of the differences between traditional theistic approaches (which tend to be what atheists are reacting against) and process theism?
  • How does process thought respond to the most popular (“new atheist”) criticisms of religion (via Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Dennett)?
  • How does process thought respond to the more academic criticisms of religion, the “masters of suspicion” (via Nietzsche, Freud, Marx, Feuerbach)?
  • What is a process-influenced “philosophy of science”?
  • How have process thinkers sidestepped the critiques of metaphysics (via Nietzsche, Heidegger, etc.)?

You can submit your videos via Twitter or Facebook, and then we will respond as soon as we can.

Let’s do this!

Also, fellow Skeptimergent contributor Kile Jones posted a video explaining some of his own problems with process thought as an atheist:

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