Diving Deep Into Urban Ministry

Diving Deep Into Urban Ministry November 18, 2014

To continue the new arc we embarked upon last year at the 2014 gathering, Transform Network is partnering with Wesley Theological Seminary to offer a weekend of diving deep into urban ministry.

How do we partner with our urban neighbors in equitable and mutually liberating ways?
How do education, advocacy, service and activism affect life in urban areas?
How do we even define urban areas now in the face gentrification and multiculturalism?
How can people of faith help transform systemic oppression and poverty into interdependent, equitable access and resources for thriving communities?

The good news is: we don’t have to invent the answers to these questions. Solutions are already underway in many places, and Transform is excited to bring practitioners of this work together. Bring your toolbox, get ready to add to it, and let’s go deep this weekend at the intersection of action and contemplation. Register online now!


Our keynote speakers will include:

And we're excited to announce additional practitioners and teachers:

We are excited to have affordable housing options available through Hosteling International, just a block from the gathering locations at Mount Vernon Triangle. Learn more and make your reservation online now!

A limited number of $99 registrations are available right now. Don’t miss out on this special deal! Register for Transform 2015.

Hope to see you in D.C.

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