Hello Rumi Tuesday! Which is worth more?

Hello Rumi Tuesday! Which is worth more? May 24, 2016

Hello Rumi Tuesday


Outdoor solitude for young man


Which is worth more?


A crowd of thousands,
or your own genuine solitude?


or power over an entire nation?


A little while alone in your room
will prove more valuable than anything else
that could ever be given you.


~ Jalal ad-din Rumi
-Translated by Coleman Barks.




When you are alone,
do you like the company you keep?

My teacher and guide, Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal,
has written a book called
“He Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord.”

We are created in the image of The One Who Makes All Things.

In order to know the truth of who and what we are,
we must know ourselves.

In order to know ourselves,
we must spend time with ourselves
in quiet solitude –

time to listen,
time to understand,
time to accept,
time to forgive,
time to know,
time to be,
time to love.


“You think you are a small star,
when in fact you contain
the whole universe.”

Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal

photo credits:
Copyright: ID 29149174 © Ivan Mikhaylov | Dreamstime.com
ID 47377906 © Hayati Kayhan | Dreamstime.com
File #: 16487952, Author: AZP Worldwide, Adobe Stock

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