Hello Rumi Tuesday! Let yourself be silently drawn…

Hello Rumi Tuesday! Let yourself be silently drawn… June 28, 2016

Hello Rumi Tuesday


lunar-solar eclipse 550x290


Let yourself


be silently DRAWN


by the stronger PULL


of what you really LOVE.


~ Jalal ad-din Rumi
-Translated by Coleman Barks.




When the earth, moon and sun all align,

the pull of gravitational forces is so strong,

it draws the oceans to those heavenly bodies

which reflect and carry

a magnificent light.

Do the oceans resist

or doubt their attraction?

Do they rely on reason or logic

to instruct them on how to get close

to an attraction they cannot oppose?

They follow the flow of what

God made for them.

This is their nature,

their divine destiny.

Rumi also wrote,

“You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the ocean in a drop.”

Like the earth, your body is 70-75% water,

pulled like the oceans to the magnificent light.

It is your nature, your divine destiny,

to be drawn by the pull of a love

you carry deep within your own heart.

Why ask why or how or what?

We are made to love the One

Who draws us near.

Let yourself be silently drawn

by the stronger pull

of What you really love.

There’s no sense in denying a love so great.

photo credits:
Copyright: ID 29149174 © Ivan Mikhaylov | Dreamstime.com
ID 47377906 © Hayati Kayhan | Dreamstime.com
© Daveallenphoto | © Kevin Carden | © Vhcreative | Dreamstime.com - Moon vs sun - combined lunar and solar eclipse

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