Sexual Disorientation?

Sexual Disorientation? January 7, 2009

Having posted several pieces both here and elsewhere on the subject of homosexuality, marriage, and the Bible, I suppose some readers may have been wondering about my own sexual orientation. And so, even though it may cost me some conservative Christian readers, I thought it was time to reveal the truth:

I am a heterosexual.

Those of you who have met me face to face or have seen photos of me probably guessed already that I’m straight, based on how I dress and other clues.

What is likely to offend some conservative Christian readers is not my sexual orientation, but the fact that I am persuaded that I was born this way, that this is a fundamental part of who I am, and not something I chose. I cannot remember any point in my life at which I felt like I had the option of choosing to be attracted to men, or women, or both.

I know some conservative Christians may be troubled by these statements, but I’m persuaded that it is possible to be a Christian and yet also be persuaded that some things about us are at least largely determined by our genes, and that we may therefore be acceptable as we are. I hope that you will continue to accept me as I am.

Apparently it is not only the study of genes, but also the study of jeans, that leads to the conclusion that some differences are biological rather than the result of a willful choice:

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