If You Attend Just One Session at SBL #sblaar #aarsbl14 #sblaar14

If You Attend Just One Session at SBL #sblaar #aarsbl14 #sblaar14 November 12, 2014

Mike Bird has this recommendation to offer for a session that he and I are both involved in:

BIG ALERT! On the Saturday [of SBL], I’m speaking at the Extent of Theological Diversity section where we’re reviewing Bart Ehrman’s book How Jesus Became God featuring Bart Ehrman, Larry Hurtado, James McGrath, Craig Evans, and Dale Martin. If you only attend one session, make it this one!

If you see me running out of the above mentioned session chased by the Ehrman fan-club yelling “Crush the religious cretin,” then it means that my attempt to go Colbert on Ehrman did not quite work out well.

The same post on his blog also tells you what you have to do at ETS in order to get him to buy you a beer.

Some of those involved in the session suggested that we ought to address Ehrman’s book through musical theater, but this is the first I’ve heard of a Colbert Report approach. I thought perhaps, given what Ehrman suggests about Paul’s Christology in the book, we could come up with new lyrics to the Aerosmith song “Angel“…

I’ll be sharing my thoughts on Ehrman’s book here for blog readers at some point in the future – perhaps I’ll schedule a post to coincide with the SBL session!

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