Hacking S’mores

Hacking S’mores April 13, 2015

A former student of mine shared a photo on Facebook with the kind of life hack which deserves to be shared, not just to help others imitate it, but also because it illustrates the kind of creative mind one develops when one has a Butler education.

You know how we make s’mores as a sandwich, and when we heat them, the contents melt and spread and drip? Well Aaron Abrahamson Cote (of Cote Percussion – check it out!) came up with this solution:

Cote Smore Hack

Tuck the graham cracker and chocolate inside the marshmallow. Brilliant idea! Please spread the word, and if you try it out, let me know how it works for you.

What great life hacks and inventive practical solutions to common problems have you come across that are worth sharing?

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