All It Takes Is One

All It Takes Is One November 18, 2015

Yesterday I came across quotes from Roslyn and Bob Cargill, and I thought they deserved to be shared with a wider audience. First here’s Roslyn:

Why is it when it comes to helping refugees in need, treating others as we would want to be treated, and loving our neighbors, conservative Christians scream out, “Yeah, but it only takes one. It only takes one nut job to blow us all away, so we got to keep out ALL refugees.”

And yet, when it comes to guns, and it only takes one nut job to blow us all away, the same argument doesn’t apply? When it comes to gun ownership, we still let everyone have a gun, even though it only takes one to cause tremendous damage. “But he’s just an anomaly, and everyone should still have a gun.”

So when it comes to helping our neighbors, we can’t help any of them because of that one potential nut job. But when it comes to arming the entire population, well that’s OK because it’s just one nut job and those are the risks freedom and prosperity.

Such is the logic of far right wing Christianity.

For Bob’s, you can click through to read it on his blog. See also Eric Reitan’s post about the Good Samaritan and how Christians respond to refugees.

Roslyn Cargill quote

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