December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you’re enjoying the time with your family and have a moment to reflect on the greatest gift of all – the birth of Christ! Here’s a quote from C.S. Lewis that I absolutely love and hope it encourages you this Christmas. The Son of God became a man to enable men to become the sons of God. -C.S.Lewis (Mere Christianity) Featured Articles This Week If you’re looking for some good reading this weekend (maybe you’re... Read more

December 24, 2010

Road trips can be fun, but I imagine that being pregnant would make that trip a little less exciting. Now let’s say you were a pregnant teenager traveling with your husband who wasn’t the one who got you pregnant. Ouch. And to top it off, you can’t find a decent hotel when you finally get to the place you’re traveling to, so you have to stay at the cheapest motel in town that doesn’t even have beds. Sound familiar? This... Read more

December 22, 2010

Well, we learned a few things this year about saving for Christmas presents. 1. You should know your budget and how much to spend on each person. 2. Saving within your Christmas budget is possible – it just takes some creativity. 3. Just because you have a Christmas budget doesn’t mean it will build itself. This article is about that last point. We knew how much we wanted to spend on Christmas, but didn’t really start saving until late in... Read more

December 20, 2010

___If you haven’t noticed by now, church websites have been popping up all over the internet. Some are good…some are not so good. Whether you have a church of 3,000 or 300, a website is a great tool for showing others about the church and connecting with new visitors. The best part is that a good looking website doesn’t have to cost the church thousands of dollars. Sure, there are sites that are custom made and cost a lot of... Read more

December 18, 2010

IFaith and Finance was ranked around 6.8 million just two months ago and today’s ranking is….242,008! My goal was to be under 250,000 before the new year, but now I think it’s possible to break 200k. It’s an ambitious goal for just two weeks, but I’m shooting for it anyways! :) On with the Roundup! With Christmas around the corner, there have been some great posts about the season as well as some excellent articles about everything else! Here are... Read more

December 17, 2010

Ok before anyone writes me off as a heretic, I admit that Jesus was never quoted as saying, “show me the money.” But to be fair, he was never quoted saying anything in English, so I think his statement in Matthew 22:19 is clear that he’s asking to see the money. Take a look: Matthew 22:17 – 21 17 Now tell us what you think about this: Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” 18 But Jesus... Read more

December 15, 2010

Just as you think you’ve maxed out your Christmas budget and finished all your spending, this one item will make you think twice: wrapping paper. Every year I’m shocked by how expensive it can be to buy wrapping paper – each roll can go for $3 to $5 and multiply that by 3 or 4 rolls and it could be upwards of 10% of your Christmas budget (if your budget is $100 to $200). That’s not even including the tape,... Read more

December 13, 2010

___Our family welcomed a new addition to our family last month – a puppy.  Her name is Truffle and she’s a three-month-old chocolate lab.  (Yes that really is her in the picture)   She’s been a lot of fun, but with ‘great fun comes great responsibility.’  Ok, well I made up that quote, but she is a lot of work. If you’ve ever owned a pet, you’ll know about the financial costs associated with keeping one.  That’s another article in... Read more

December 10, 2010

__I love jazz. I’ve been playing the saxophone for over 12 years now and just love to jam every time I get the chance. Finance and jazz have a lot more in common than you might think – ok, ok…you’ve probably never thought to compare the two, but you can. Just like playing an instrument, don’t expect to become an expert in finance if you don’t make a concentrated effort to improve your skills. You may not ever become the... Read more

December 8, 2010

Book Review: Christ Centered Contentment I just finished the book Christ-Centered Contentment by Rob Kuban and really enjoyed his insight about the topic of contentment.  Rob is an author and founder of Dollars and Doctrine and has written extensively on the subject of Biblical doctrine and financial stewardship. In his latest book, Rob tackles the issue of contentment and challenges you as a reader to explore areas in your life that may need to be addressed. What is Contentment? For... Read more

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