Arnold Schwarzenegger Tried to Interrupt a Muslim Prayer Service

Arnold Schwarzenegger Tried to Interrupt a Muslim Prayer Service February 4, 2012

Action star and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was recently in India for a conference, and while there he decided to check out the Taj Mahal, the country’s most famous tourist destination and one of the Wonders of the World. However, when he showed up, he was denied entrance to the site – not because the guy at the door thought the last Terminator movie was totally egregious but because there was a Muslim prayer session going on then. Schwarzenegger continued his trip to India undeterred, though, because TMZ has pictures of him eating the biggest piece of naan I’ve ever seen and this one above of him with a penciled dot on his forehead.

I feel like I should give everyone some unsolicited travel advice right now and point out that checking out the website of a popular attraction or – G-d forbid – calling ahead is an excellent way to prevent these types of rejections from happening. I just got back from Amsterdam and you can book your tickets for the Anne Frank House on the internet so that you can just show up at your appointed time and not wait in line. Planning ahead is awesome.

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