June 12, 2015

The following reflection on the significance of this Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an excerpt from my newest book, Broken Gods: Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart. God loves you so much! It sounds so trite to say it in such simple words, but it is so infinitely true!  God’s love is so deep, so powerful, so profound, it is often simply easier to passively ignore it than try to actively comprehend it.... Read more

June 11, 2015

Like everyone else, I’ve been thinking a lot about gender issues lately. The Caitlyn Jenner story is everywhere, of course, but it’s difficult to say anything meaningful about that drama because it just seems, to me, like all flash and no substance. Caitlyn isn’t really sharing anything genuinely personal about this journey, and the media can’t stop fawning long enough to ask any interesting questions. But LaVern Vivio, a Nashville traffic reporter and commercial personality for TheBlaze TV wrote an... Read more

June 10, 2015

National Review’s Kathryn Lopez recently interviewed me on my most recent book, Broken Gods:  Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart.  Take a look! What does God see when He looks at you? That’s a main question Gregory K. Popcak asks and answers in his new book Broken Gods: Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart. Popcak, executive director of the Pastoral Solutions Institute, talks below about the book and some of the prospects... Read more

June 10, 2015

Pornography is a huge industry.  In fact, it is difficult to wrap one’s head around how big a business pornography is.  According to the Science of Relationships Blog, pornography use generates 13 billion dollars a year, “which is more annual revenue than Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, eBay and Netflix produce combined.“ Although we do know that pornography has negative effects on people, little is known about the specific problems associated with the use of pornography.  A new study addressed... Read more

June 9, 2015

  The following is adapted from my newest book, Broken Gods:  Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart “Human personhood must be respected with a reverence that is religious. When we deal with each other, we should do so with the sense of awe that arises in the  presence of something holy and sacred. For that is what human beings are: we are created in the image of God.”     ~USCCB,  Economic Justice for All The Source of... Read more

June 6, 2015

What are your chances of raising faithful kids?  Answer these 5 questions! For the Catholic parent, there is no more important task than communicating our faith to our children. That doesn’t just mean teaching our kids Catholic prayers and rituals. It means teaching them how to have a meaningful and personal relationship with God. How to think and act morally. How to love rightly and intimately. How to celebrate and live life as the gift that it is meant to... Read more

June 3, 2015

Better late than never, I suppose… Dr. Ehrlich’s ominous declarations cause head-shaking among some who were once his allies, people who four decades ago shared his fears about overpopulation. One of them is Stewart Brand, founding editor of the Whole Earth Catalog. On this topic, Mr. Brand may be deemed a Keynesian, in the sense of an observation often attributed to John Maynard Keynes: “When the facts change, I change my mind, sir. What do you do?” Mr. Brand’s formulation for... Read more

June 2, 2015

In light of the recent Pew Survey indicating that people are fleeing Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular in droves, several of my fellow Catholic Patheosi are responding to the question, “Why am I staying Catholic?”   So far  Tod Worner has responded as has Monique Ocampo and our Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Scalia.  Others will soon be following their lead. We were actually asked a similar question back in March of 2013.  Back then, the general Patheos community asked all... Read more

June 2, 2015

Good news for homely guys.  Research examining the first impression men make on women found that attractiveness matters less than socially responsible behavior.  According to PsychCentral…. “A new study shows that a woman’s view of a man is influenced by how handsome and law-abiding he is. In other words, women will tolerate an unattractive man up to a point, but will have no problem shunning him if he misbehaves. For the study, researchers tested if and how levels of attractiveness... Read more

June 2, 2015

FaithStreet.com published an article on overcoming guilt and learning to forgive ourselves which is taken from my latest book, Broken Gods: Hope, Healing and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart which is available in stores as of today!   I hope you enjoy the article. It’s practically impossible to underestimate our capacity for making the same mistakes over and over again. We commit the same sins. Repeat the same patterns. Fall down in the same place. We often respond... Read more

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