Urgent! Join Our Book Launch Team to Help Defend Freedom of Conscience

Urgent! Join Our Book Launch Team to Help Defend Freedom of Conscience January 19, 2016

DYB_Blog_ChristCost-1024x535There is a war in America on your faith, family, and freedom to believe.

For far too long, many of us have tried to stay on the sidelines, hoping the wildfire would burn past and leave us, our family, and our church alone.

But those days are gone. The sidelines are shrinking. Everyone is fair game now.

You Will Be Made to Care, erick erickson, bill blankschaenThe florist, the baker, the pharmacist, the student, the coach, the small business owner, the parents, the children — all of them will be made to care.

For several years, Erick Erickson has been warning America that tolerance is not the end game for the Left.

In fact, he coined the phrase You will be made to care to capture the attitude that progressive bullies have toward you and your freedom.
It has been my privilege to partner with Erick to co-author the new book  You Will Be Made to Care: The War on Faith, Family, and Your Freedom to Believe.

It exposes the ongoing war on conscience in America and offers actionable steps each of us can take to experience a resurgence of freedom.

You will hear more about You Will Be Made to Care from both Erick and me in the weeks to come.

Your Opportunity to Stand with the Resurgence

The book releases everywhere on February 22, 2016—but if you care about defending our freedom of conscience, you can apply now to be part of our core book launch team.

But only until January 26 at 11:59 PM! 

Defending our freedom of conscience from the compassionate bullies of the Left is not a partisan issue.

It is not even a Christian issue necessarily, although Christians have begun to be persecuted in America now as never before.

We want to push this issue of religious freedom to the center of our national conversation, forcing the presidential candidates — and The New York Times — to acknowledge it and commit to protecting it at all costs.

You can make difference by applying to be part of our book launch team to help raise awareness of this critical cause.

Religious freedom is the proverbial canary in the coal mine. When you hear it, when it’s compromised, it’s a warning that our other civil liberties are sure to follow. —Kristen Waggoner, Alliance Defending Freedom

The Book Launch

The next President will choose several new Supreme Court justices who will make key decisions affecting our freedom to believe.

A lot of work goes into successfully launching a book to push this critical issue to the center of the national conversation as the presidential campaigns heat up, and frankly, we can’t do it alone.

We need a community of people who share our passion for the cause and who have the ability to get the word out.

This group is going to be special with exclusive access to us.

We plan on personally pouring everything we have into the launch and into enabling the team to spread this message.

If you ever plan on doing something like this yourself some day, the experience will be invaluable. Plus, it’s going to be a lot of fun.

Because of our focused investment, we will only be accepting 100 members on the launch team who want to make a difference.

Please don’t apply if you really aren’t willing to help get the word out

What You Get

If you sign up to join the YWBMTC Book Launch Team (and get accepted), here’s what you’ll get for your time:

  1. An advanced electronic copy (PDF) of the typeset manuscript that you can start reading immediately.
  2. A FREE autographed hardcover copy of You Will Be Made to Care: The War on Faith, Family, and Your Freedom to Believe.
  3. Everything included in the YWBMTC Pre-Order Package including exclusive interviews with key thought leaders like Russell Moore, Ravi Zacharias, Ed Morrissey and others.
  4. A special mention on The Resurgent  and Patheos with a link to your blog/website (if applicable).
  5. Some other really cool stuff we can’t talk about yet.

What We Are Asking from You

If you’re picked to be a part of this team, we ask that you agree to:

  • Read the book right away. If you have a blog, post a kind review. Prepare a kind review to post to Amazon, Barnes, and Noble, etc. once they begin accepting reviews. (Don’t worry. We’ll let you know when.)
  • Spread the word any way you can (social media, email lists, other networks) leading up to the book launch week February 22-27, 2016. We will provide you with tools and resources to make it easy.
  • Be a raving fan for the cause! Think creatively and suggest ways to get the word out (we’re open to experimenting).

We are going to be “all in” for this effort, so we ask that you take it seriously.

Apply Now

Because of how personally invested we are in this project, we need to keep the group to a manageable size of only 100. Unlike Bernie Sanders, we are not socialists. We won’t be accepting everyone who applies.

Although we ask you to provide social media numbers, blog traffic, email lists, and similar information, don’t think you won’t be accepted if you don’t have those.

We are also looking for people who are passionate about the cause, patriots and believers who are willing to do what it takes to ensure our freedom to believe is preserved for the next generation of Americans.

Applications close Tuesday, January 26, 11:59 PM EST. No exceptions.

We’ll be emailing those who make the team. If you are not accepted on the launch team, don’t worry. There will be other opportunities to get involved and get the word out as we prepare to launch.

Thanks for your willingness to stand up and join the resurgence.

Click Here to Apply Now.


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