Shia LaBeouf to play Indiana Jones’s son?

Shia LaBeouf to play Indiana Jones’s son? February 18, 2007

Last month, I asked if Indiana Jones IV — which must take place in the ’50s or ’60s — would show how Indy got the daughter that he was living with in the framing narratives of the TV series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, which took place in the ’90s.

And just now, I remembered that I posted an item here last July to the effect that Karen Allen told an audience at a screening of Raiders that two of Indy’s old flames might come back in the new film — and Natalie Portman might be cast as Indy’s daughter.

But now, the latest rumour, via Ain’t It Cool News, is that Indy will have a son instead — and he may be played by Shia LaBeouf.

Should we call him Indiana Jones Jr.? Or, since Indy’s real name is Henry Jones Jr., maybe his son would be Henry Jones III?

Make of all this whatever you will.

MAR 8 UPDATE: Variety says LaBeouf is in “final talks” for the role.

MAR 12 UPDATE: LaBeouf himself dismisses the rumours!

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