July 26, 2014

People wonder why I push back against gun culture so hard, and well, the guy in this NRA News video is my answer. The commentary argues from the standpoint that instead of anti-gun policies we need policies that assume people need guns and that “guns make life better”. In the perfect world he describes, people would be encouraged to be weaponized at all times, and would even be rewarded for doing so. And so much for “gun free zones”, in... Read more

July 24, 2014

Earlier this week, the President signed an executive order barring federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. In a supposed civilized society with a separation of church and state, such a measure should be welcomed by all because anti-discrimination policies protect the rights of everyone. For me, anti-discrimination laws transcend theology and personal opinion. I acknowledge that while I am a Christian, I am also a Christian who lives and who does commerce in a culture that... Read more

July 22, 2014

My old friend Johny Mac who not long ago told parents of adult children who are gay to shun them and “turn them over to Satan”, has now stepped up the game– this time, he’s defining “Satan’s church”. And well, you can probably guess the key issue he uses to define “Satan’s church”… yup, marriage equality. MacArthur said recently in the Blaze: “They have no allegiance to the Bible,” he said. “You go back to every one of those seminaries... Read more

July 21, 2014

As I sit down to write this post I’m realizing that I’m probably going to get branded as “that guy who writes about nonviolence”, but I can think of no core aspect of the message of Jesus that I’d rather talk so much about. Nonviolence is one of those utterly insane ideas that becomes ridiculously beautiful and exciting once that light bulb goes off in your mind. As I’ve said before: there’s nothing more offensive in the teachings of Christ... Read more

July 18, 2014

Over the past few weeks, the current immigration crisis has boiled over in a way we’ve not seen before now. We’ve seen literally thousands of often unaccompanied children spilling over the southern US border fleeing poverty and violence in their Central American homelands. The children who have successfully made it into the US are being packed into overcrowded facilities, and shut away from the public eye in what is likely less than humane conditions. Others on their way to temporary... Read more

July 16, 2014

Where do Bible believing "gundamentalists" get this idea from? Read more

July 14, 2014

One of the key things I have attempted to do over the past year has been to build bridges with people who are often on the “outs” of Evangelical Christianity (ironically, this placed me on the “outs” as well). I realized over the course of time that there are many people who don’t give this following Jesus thing a full shot, not because of anything Jesus said or did but because of things we say and do. In far too... Read more

July 10, 2014

The word Christian may only be nine letters, but it’s a big ‘ole word. With the reformation underway in American Christianity, there’s been a lot of talk over what that word actually means and who gets to use it. Some people on both the left and right see themselves as gatekeepers and are busy declaring who is, and who is not, a Christian. This is in part because of our human nature to judge others (the desire to judge others... Read more

July 9, 2014

That’s what Bryan Fischer at the American Family Association is teaching. The other day on his radio program, he said that if you’re not a “patriotic American” you’re sinning against God. Not even making that up. Here’s the clip: But is it true? Is failing to be a “patriotic American” a sin? Of course not. Patriotism is a devotion, affection, and loyalty to one’s country– and there’s nothing in scripture that says an absence of that would be a sin.... Read more

July 8, 2014

My heart breaks as violence is on the rise again in Israel. Just within the last few days, we’ve seen a Palestinian child burned alive , seen leaked video of Israeli police beating an American Palestinian child who was bound at the time, a Christian minister has been attacked by Israeli settlers, and an Israeli lawmaker has called for even the death of noncombatants, saying in part: “The Palestinian people has declared war on us, and we must respond with... Read more

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