August 14, 2014

                                  …. and even that’s a wee bit too much. Read more

August 13, 2014

In a news cycle that has been absolutely overrun by sadness and death lately, there’s one death that absolutely, positively, must not be overlooked: the death of an 18-year-old named Michael Brown. Brown was recently walking down the sidewalk chatting with a friend when he was abruptly executed by police in the streets– in full view of witnesses. There was no firefight. No obvious cause according to eye witnesses. Instead, Brown (completely unarmed) was shot not once, but multiple times... Read more

August 11, 2014

My spirit has been grieved in a way I haven’t experienced before as the situation in Iraq and Syria has turned for the worse as of late, and is now straight up out of control. The ISIS has made amazing strides in gaining power throughout the region, taking over whole areas, and has now begun exterminating all of the “others” who are not like them. There’s been the ultimatum given to Christians (and other religious minorities often overlooked): leave town,... Read more

August 8, 2014

Greg Boyd is perhaps one of the most influential living theologians of our time, and is someone I have the deepest admiration and respect for. I accidentally stumbled upon him in seminary after hearing three people in the same week say “Greg Boyd is one of the smartest people I know”. The three individuals didn’t even know each other, so when they all said the same exact thing, I figured I needed to find out who Greg Boyd was. He’s... Read more

August 7, 2014

The full Left Behind trailer has been officially released! I bet you’re excited. So, here you go: Go ahead and watch it… but after, I want you to repeat out loud ten times, “God is not like this”. Because he’s not. He’s not the orchestrator of planes falling out of the sky. He’s not the author of buses full of kids falling off bridges. He’s not the author of death and destruction. No, God is not like this. This might... Read more

August 7, 2014

Why, when talking about theology, is there the tendency to fire off criticism and denounce the speaker without actually taking the time to dissect the issue, wrestle with the information, and arrive at an informed conclusion? Theology is one of the most difficult issues to talk about, because no matter what you say, someone’s going flip their lid and tell you how wrong you are, how “sad” they were to read your piece, or attempt to judge the heart and... Read more

August 5, 2014

I don’t know about you, but truth be told, I’m exhausted from all things Mark Driscoll. In fact, I’ll be happy if this is the last post that I ever write about him. For the past few years, there has been a never ending flood of Driscoll news and scandals that got to the point where I simply quit covering them. The bloggers who have done it well have practically had to dedicate their lives to keeping up with everything... Read more

July 31, 2014

Human trafficking is estimated to be the second largest criminal enterprise in the modern world. This modern slavery is legal no where, yet practiced everywhere– and exists in many forms. Sex trafficking, labor trafficking… people bought and sold as if they were a product to own instead of a child of God. As many know, this issue has been one of the issues closest to my heart. Much of my doctoral dissertation focuses on human trafficking aftercare, and I have... Read more

July 30, 2014

The American Christian landscape in our current context seems to have a steady stream of people who feel like outsiders– out of place everywhere, at home nowhere. While many of the changes we’re seeing in American Christianity will be net positives in the end, the process of reforming and has left many exhausted, and on the margins of faith. I’m one of those people, and I’ve learned a few things during this process: 1. I’ve learned to get my identity... Read more

July 29, 2014

One of the most profoundly misunderstood passages in all the Bible is the Olivet Discourse found in Matthew 24. Those of us who grew up in a doom-and-gloom version of Christianity probably know parts of this passage well– it’s the one that talks about “earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars”, as a sign that the “end of the world” (but first rapture and tribulation) is on the way. The end times movement obviously relies financially on a futuristic view of... Read more

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