September 3, 2014

What things do you know now that you wish your childhood pastor would have told you? As I look back on what I know now, here are 10 things I wish I had known back then: Read more

September 1, 2014

Not long ago, I publicly stood against John MacArthur’s advice to parents of adult children who are gay on the account that it was not only theologically flawed, but dangerous as well. You can see the old post and the original MacArthur video here, but to quickly summarize: MacArthur told parents of adult children who were both gay and professing Christians that if their children did not repent, they should be shunned and “turned over to Satan”. My argument was... Read more

August 28, 2014

Last night I tuned into the Calvinism debate that was lighting up twitter, and really tried to listen with an open mind. Really, I did. For some reason however, I just quickly get lost in most conversations with Calvinists. I think it all goes back to seminary for me. I had the “pleasure” of sitting next to the most Calvinist dude I’d ever met in a Church History class; he had the most perfectly parted hair I’d ever seen and... Read more

August 27, 2014

  More and more Christians are beginning to reject the traditional view of hell which states the unjust will experience “eternal, conscious torment”. Perhaps you’ve seen this change in the Christian landscape and grown confused as to why so many of us are experiencing shifting beliefs. While my Letting Go of Hell series goes further in-depth on many issues surrounding hell, here are 5 key reasons to help you understand why we are rejecting the notion of “eternal, conscious torment”:... Read more

August 26, 2014

In America, we love our food. We also love our big guns. Why not combine the two? That’s what the geniuses at Burgers and Bullets did at their tourist attraction outside Las Vegas– come in, grab a bite to eat, and shoot heavy weaponry. It’s the American way, I guess. Except, this “brilliant” idea has now led to a tragic consequence. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, a 9 year old girl has accidentally shot and killed her instructor with... Read more

August 25, 2014

Yesterday afternoon the internet lit up with breaking news that Seattle based mega-church pastor, Mark Driscoll, was stepping down. Unfortunately, if you read further, those headlines weren’t completely accurate. In a statement given to the members of Mars Hill, Driscoll acknowledged the accusations against him and said that he would be stepping down for a tentative period of six weeks while the leadership of Mars Hill investigates the accusations. You can see his statement in full, here: Certainly this wasn’t... Read more

August 20, 2014

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August 20, 2014

How can we distinguish between good & bad, right & wrong theology? The answer to that can be challenging. The subject of theology is never simple and it certainly isn’t a science or math problem where you can follow a few clear steps and arrive at a provable, correct answer. This isn’t to say that truth is relative, that everyone can simply arrive at what’s “true for them”, or other similar statements which I completely reject as nonsense. I believe... Read more

August 15, 2014

If you’re not up to speed on what’s happening in Ferguson, Missouri, I hope you’ll go read up. What’s happening right now is a window into a very important chapter in our nation’s history– a chapter that will challenge us, and invite us to change if we’re willing. After talking about the unjust killing of Michael Brown, and so many others like him, and after combing many of the messages I’ve received as a result, I’ve come to a conclusion:... Read more

August 14, 2014

On Tuesday I once again had a chance to spend some time with my friend, Frank Schaeffer, at his home in Massachusetts. While last time we sat down to talk about his book, Why I’m An Atheist Who Believes in God, this time we switched roles and he interviewed me about my soon to be released book, Undiluted. We had a great chat, and hit on more topics than I anticipated covering in a discussion about Undiluted– everything from inerrancy,... Read more

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