‘Would Jesus Wear a Sidearm?’ WATCH one Evangelical pro-lifer who is FOR Gun Control!

‘Would Jesus Wear a Sidearm?’ WATCH one Evangelical pro-lifer who is FOR Gun Control! October 30, 2015

Watch this remarkable 7 min documentary on an evangelical pro-life leader who is also FOR GUN CONTROL and that’s why he just left the GOP!

Like most other conservative evangelical ministers, the Rev. Rob Schenck objects to same-sex marriage. He is also vehemently against abortion rights. But as this Op-Doc video shows, he is remarkable in that he takes his pro-life stance so far that he contests death by gun. The way he sees it, the gun violence plaguing our nation is akin to “adult abortion.”

Watch this… what do you think? Click HERE to watch…


In this short documentary, a prominent leader of the Christian right explains why he left the Republican Party over guns.

Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

Available now on Amazon

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