Trump and Paula White (and Franklin Graham) Together At Last! Set to Exchange SeedFaithBlessing-n’-OtherStuff (She’ll Pray at His Inaug)

Trump and Paula White (and Franklin Graham) Together At Last! Set to Exchange SeedFaithBlessing-n’-OtherStuff (She’ll Pray at His Inaug) December 29, 2016

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(Photo YouTube)

Looks like the Rockettes’ producer has had a change of heart and dancers don’t have to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration after all. The long-legged dancers have moral qualms. Not so televangelist Paula White. She’s all over it. God sent Trump she says. Besides they have a perfect understanding: they both are on third marriages and have private jets.

White, the televangelist who will pray at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, has a scandal-filled past as bottom-dwelling as Trump’s. White conned her wealth the old fashioned way pioneered by a man I knew personally when I spent time with him when I was in the religious right and spoke at his college : My Old Pal Oral Roberts.

Paula White is Oral in a skirt.

White like Oral and countless others tells followers to prove to God they trust him by handing them their money. As The Donald asked trusting white evangelicals (81 percent of whom vote for him) to donate their votes, so White asks for “seed money. ”

After it was reported that White had “led him to Christ,” White began actively advising  Trump on how to shamelessly exploit the name of Jesus Christ for personal gain with evangelicals. Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse and president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; and Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, senior pastor of Great Faith Ministries International will also offer readings and give the benediction.

According to the Washington Times:

Paula White recently purchased a Trump Towers condo in New York City valued at $3.5 million,” reported of the televangelist back in October 2007.

Ms. White, and her ex-husband Randy White, were among numerous televangelists scrutinized by a U.S. Senate committee in 2011 regarding alleged financial irregularities and possible abuses of federal tax laws regarding nonprofit organizations.

White, is Trump’s kinda girl.

As noted in many stories in the evangelical publication Charisma Magazine her life reads like a soap opera. “Evangelist Benny Hinn recently admitted at a crusade in Oakland, Calif., to having a ‘friendship’ with fellow minister Paula White while he’s still married after a tabloid pictured them holding hands in Rome on July 13. But the well-known healing minister says the relationship is over.” And “The National Enquirer published photos in its Aug. 2 issue of Hinn walking hand-in-hand with White in Rome. The article, which released July 23, claimed the two spent three nights in a five-star hotel Hinn booked under a false name…”

Paula White Plastic Surgery Before & After

(Photo YouTube, Paula White Plastic Surgery Before & After)

A perfect advisor for Trump!

White has become Trump’s “spiritual adviser.” Can marriage counseling be far behind?

Perhaps they swap pilots for their private jets. They are both into trading in spouses, that’s for sure. As Charisma Magazine notes:

White is [now] married to Chicago-born rocker Jonathan Cain. He is perhaps best known for his days with the band Journey and Bad English. He wrote the classic Journey song “Don’t Stop Believin'” and was part of over a dozen other Journey albums.

“What a weekend—Blessed beyond description,” she tweeted.

White, a controversial pastor was divorced from her last husband, Randy White, in 2007. White married her first husband, Dean Knight, when she was a teenager. Together, they had a son named Bradley. She divorced Knight after she got saved.

Now Trump is saved can he dump his third wife too?

This saved thing is just so great!

According to many reports besides serial divorce Paula White’s plastic surgery is just a small part of a rather interesting saga that includes accusations of theft and embezzlement. Former husband Randy White reportedly “accused his wife of stealing 2 million dollars worth of equipment to support her shopping and plastic surgery addiction.”

Seed Voters meet Seed Money rubes  and unite.

White promises, God will repay her fans’ generosity by making them rich. God will make them great again as it were…

On White’s website the pitch is pitch perfect:

Have an Attitude of Gratitude!

In Luke 17, ten men live outside of the city due to their leprosy. Jesus healed them all and told them to go show themselves to the priest. One man saw that he was healed and turn around to give God thanks. He cried out with a loud voice because the process of the disease was stopped. His attitude of gratitude caused him to not only be healed but to be restored. I feel that God is getting ready to restore you in the life that you are now living. Don’t let what has or hasn’t happened keep you from being thankful that you survived! The proof of being a survivor is your attitude of gratitude.

I feel impressed of the Lord to ask you to do something that I believe will create a memory in the mind of God and this will change your future. I want you to give a seed offering that I call a “Gratitude” seed. This is an extremely powerful seed for you… especially at this time in your life. This seed will do two things for you.

1. This seed will get God’s attention. Remember, God sits high and looks low. He is looking for faith on the earth. This seed will require strong faith.

2. This seed will be seen as a “Gratitude” offering. Gratitude always produces favor and favor will cause you to receive in a moment, more than some do in a lifetime!

If this sounds dubious to you, then you’re probably not a Trump voter or someone who thinks you’ll win the lottery and is betting on that “strategy” for your child’s college fund.

Trump’s and White’s co-con is called the prosperity gospel. You make me rich and God will do what you tell him!

White can make God make you great again!

And if you accept Trump as your personal savior, then maybe you can be rich like him.

Trump seems to have long been a big fan of White. In 2007, Trump sent in this comment to Larry King about White:

“Paula White is not only a beautiful person, both inside and out, she has a significant message to offer anyone who will tune in and pay attention. She has amazing insight, the ability to deliver that message clearly, as well as powerfully. Read this and you’ll be ready for great success. She’s an amazing woman.”

White has returned the favor, including hosting a conference with evangelical leaders who were wary of Trump last year.

White and Trump share something: Everything they do has to do with promising blessings on others… as long as you do something for them first.

It’s always–but always about the money, stupid!” just like Jesus said.

When White offers one of her God-told-me-so prophetic “Words” — say on the biblical theme of Atonement —  there’s always a $$$ hook. Can you pick it out here?

“The DAY OF ATONEMENT, or Yom Kippur, is God’s biblical holy day that He established on Israel’s calendar as a covenant of repentance and promise for you and to release the fullness of His blessings and presence into your life! The Day of Atonement includes prayer and fasting, sacrificial offerings, and studying God’s Word.”

… And to whom do you bet the “sacrificial offerings” are to be sent?

Paula White and Donald Trump: together at last! Or as White said: “Far more than what divides us, this election has revealed what unites us. I have never seen such solidarity between evangelicals and Catholics, Pentecostals, charismatics and Baptists. We were brought together with a mutual love for our country and through a mutual faith in God.”

As writes in Get Religion:

Recently, The Forward, a news and commentary publication that until last year was known as The Jewish Daily Forward, ran a piece proclaiming “David Trump’s favorite female evangelist wears a Jewish prayer shawl — just like him,” referring to an incident last month where Trump was presented with a prayer shawl by a pastor, which I wrote about here. Here’s how it starts:

High Holiday appeals for money are nothing new to North American synagogue-goers.

But for sheer chutzpah, few could compare with the Yom Kippur video appeal from Paula White, Donald Trump’s most visible evangelical supporter.

White stares into the camera, with cascading blond hair and Botox-swollen lips. She tells those on her ministry email list that this is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, “God’s most holy day of the year [in a] supernatural miracle–working season.”

For the next three-and-a-half minutes, White, 50, explains why viewers need to contribute “sacrificially” to her Orlando-based organization – $10,000, or just a thousand –- on this special day.

She quotes verses from Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and notes that she, too, is fasting on this day. However, the times of the Temple, when animals were sacrificed and the high priest emerged from the tabernacle’s holy of holies, are long gone.

“We are released from the old rituals of the Old Testament – but not the principles,” she says. “We know that Jesus Christ became our atonement.”

The article continues in describing how she hustles her listeners to donations (running an expensive TV ministry means lots of bills) and mixes up all sorts of religious symbols.

The Yom Kippur appeal was not White’s first foray into mixing Jewish symbols with evangelical Christianity. In a 2012 episode of her nationally syndicated TV talk show, “Paula White Today,” preserved on YouTube, White allowed herself to be wrapped in a Torah scroll by a Messianic “rabbi” named Ralph Messer, a “coronation” ceremony that she explained embodied being “wrapped in the Word of God.”

Years earlier, Donald Trump became a fan of White’s show, and made a guest appearance on another episode entitled “Millionaire God’s Way.” About that time, Trump and White began a lengthy personal and professional relationship, praying together and promoting each other’s books.

The prayer shawl angle is not super original. To the consternation and annoyance of many Jews, evangelical Protestants have been draping such shawls around themselves for decades.

Then follows descriptions of White’s jet-set (she literally owned a Gulfstream) lifestyle and occasional scandal:

A sex scandal linking White to fellow prosperity gospel advocate (and then married) Benny Hinn landed her on the front page of the National Inquirer.Still, White was able to make a comeback, thanks in large part to her charisma and her TV show, which often features its host showing off her buff figure in exercise segments.

Can the exchange of body fluids be far behind the exchange of prayers? Paula White– Next First Lady?


P.S. If you want to know a little more about where I’m coming from and my perspective on politics, religion and the intersection of faith and life– here’s a new movie about me. (It’s below the poster on YouTube) scroll down and watch it for free…




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