
Abandon April 20, 2015


Tim Timberlake has just released an interesting new book called Abandon: Laying Aside Your Plan for God’s Purpose.

I caught up with Tim to talk about his book. Enjoy!

Abandon: Laying Aside Your Plan for God's Purpose

Instead of asking, “what is your book about,” I’m going to ask the question that’s behind that question. And that unspoken question is, “how are readers going to benefit from reading your book?”

Tim Timberlake: It is my prayer that the reader embraces this message to abandon oneself to God’s plan, and experience a life that is “far more than we could ever imagine or guess or request in our wildest dreams!” If we were to be brutally honest, we all have something or some area in our life we would be better off leaving behind us. So I hope this book highlights and uplifts those areas for the reader.

Tell us a bit about the experiences that shaped the insights in the book.

Tim Timberlake: That’s a great question. The inspiration for this book was actually birthed out of a tragedy. One Sunday morning about two years ago, my family and I arrived at my mother’s home after church. As my mom was preparing Sunday brunch, a faulty propane tank exploded on the side of her house. Within what seemed like seconds the whole house was up in flames. My mother, brother-in-law, and I worked tirelessly to save as much as we could; but to no avail we ended up losing everything. As I was walking away from the home we had just abandoned efforts to save, I heard God in a still small voice say, “What you Abandon, I will replace with something far greater.” Then a thought came to me, “what else do I have in my life I would be better off abandoning and leaving behind?” From that thought I started piecing together ideas, concepts, and wisdom found in the Word of God, that I thought would be a benefit to myself, and all who read it.

How is your book different from the other books on living life beyond one’s dreams?

Tim Timberlake: A lot of the books that highlight the idea of living a greater life, or living beyond one’s dream, could be labeled as “self-help.” This message of Abandonment is the exact opposite; it outlines our dire need for a Savior, and helps the reader understand that we cannot help ourselves in our own strength, or with our own will power. I know the thought of “abandonment” may sound scary. It’s hard to let go of something we’re used to holding so tightly. But abandoning your life to God isn’t about losing control. It’s about placing the control back where it belongs: in the hands of the very one who created us, who knew us before we were in our mother’s womb, who has a purpose and a plan for us, and who deeply desires us to move from just existing to living a life fulfilled.

What do you say to the person who has been taught a legalistic view of obedience?

Tim Timberlake: Obedience is a result of a person’s love for God; it is not an effort to earn salvation. There’s a terrible misconception that some people believe, which is you can be saved by your good works. This is simply is not true. I believe there is nothing that we can do to earn salvation, and that salvation is given to us by the grace of God through faith. The Bible teaches us in Ephesians 2:8-10:

“For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, so that no one should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

I believe that obedience differs from legalism based upon a personal love for God versus striving to uphold a list of rules.

What’s the secret of discovering a life that fulfills?

Tim Timberlake: I believe if we start doing the things God has instructed us to do, success will follow. Regardless of how we may feel, we have to be determined to put one foot in front of the other. When that’s our mindset, God will continue to unfold the path before you, one step at a time. We may not be able to see around every bend in the road, but God knows what’s on the other side. Our destiny is God’s history; we have to spend time with Him to uncover and discover His desired path for our life.

How does one overcome the roadblocks that stop them from enjoying God’s best?

Tim Timberlake: I believe we overcome those roadblocks by putting our trust in Jesus. It’s amazing how reorienting and rejuvenating the teachings of Christ can be. It’s also true that sometimes they are not rejuvenating at all—sometimes we don’t like the answers we find. But just like it’s dangerous to be at sea without an anchor, so too is it dangerous to go through life without putting our trust in the one who can protect us, and get us through any season of difficulty we may be faced with.

What do you hope readers will walk away with after they finish your book?

Tim Timberlake: I pray it reveals how to exchange your life for the life that God offers. That obedience to God is not a burden, as many have thought. Instead, obedience is the key to experiencing the life of Heaven right now!

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