New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes

New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes May 12, 2017

F.F. Bruce’s New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes is a key work in the field of showing how the New Testament employ the Old Testament.

While a small book, and not easy to read (unlike Bruce’s other books), Bruce traces the Messianic themes of the Old Testament and shows how the Gospels finish the story that the Old Testament tells about exile, God’s return, the victory of the Lord, etc.

I still regard Bruce to be the greatest New Testament scholar who ever lived (Craig Keener is the greatest New Testament scholar of our time, in my view).

I’ve made a point to purchase all of Bruce’s books, and they’ve been a great help in my research for Jesus: A Theography and The Untold Story of the New Testament Church, both of which builds on his work.

Even though Bruce lived in the 20th century, his work is still highly relevant and stands up strongly today.

From the publisher:

“It is the author’s purpose here to examine a few of the major themes, motifs, or images which are used as vehicles of revelation in the Old Testament and consider how the New Testament writers continue to use them to present the perfected revelation in Christ. He has selected in particular those which relate to the rule of God, the salvation of God, the people of God, and the servant of God.”

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